SentinelCraft Legacy Forum 2013 - 2022

Towny => Towns => Zion => Topic started by: Dr_MineStein on September 03, 2021, 01:30:55 PM

Title: Zion Resident Requirements
Post by: Dr_MineStein on September 03, 2021, 01:30:55 PM
Hello there!

Are you interested in joining Zion? Please read the requirements mentioned below:

1. SM+ AND/OR Member with a good reputation throughout the server - continuous, annoying/disruptive behavior will not be accepted.

2. Must be knowledgeable about the server.

3. Cannot be an outlaw of Faygo Dreams, no exceptions.

4. If you're an outlaw of another town, the reason for it will be reviewed and discussed. Depending on it you will be accepted or rejected.

Depending on the circumstances this list may be edited at the discretion of the Mayor.

- Zion Staff