SentinelCraft Legacy Forum 2013 - 2022

Towny => Towns => Faygo Dreams => Topic started by: evzntv on September 15, 2021, 03:35:20 PM

Title: Faygo Dreams Plot Rules & Allocations
Post by: evzntv on September 15, 2021, 03:35:20 PM
Faygo Dreams Plot Rules

Hi great residents of Faygo. The Faygo town staff and I have elected to make some changes to the current plot rules in town. Here are the new plot rules.

General Plot Rules

- Builds must be appeasable! (No dirt houses, cobblestone huts). This keeps the town looking nice!
- No extreme basements. Basements are allowed, but please keep them limited
- No excessive amounts of mobs in one plot. This is reviewed on a case to case basis.
- No building on or near the roads (including sidewalks). Normal residents should not have permission to build here anyways, but this is in the case permissions are enabled.

Plot Allocations

1 Plot (16 x 16):

- Members receive 1 plot (16 x 16)
- Senior Members can choose to have one plot, instead of 4 plots (32x32)
- Faygo Dreams Staff Members can choose to have one plot, instead of 4 plots (32x32)
- A tax of $10 will be paid daily on this plot. Failure to pay it, will cause the plot to be repossessed.

4 Plots (32 x 32):

- Senior Members, Donators, and Server Staff are automatically eligible
- Members who are active and in good standing with the town/server can also obtain a 32x32 plot.
- A tax of $40 will be paid daily on this 32x32 chunk of land. Failure to pay it, will cause the plot to be repossessed.


- Embassies can be requested by outsiders at request. Contact a Co-Mayor+ if you are interested in an embassy.
- Embassies can either be 16x16 or 32x32
- Embassy taxes for 16x16 plots are $25 per day.
- Embassy taxes for 32x32 plots are $100 per day.

Shop Plots:

- Shop plots can be purchased for your own personal shop in Faygo! These plots are 16 x 16.
- For outsiders a shop plot costs $3000
- For town/nation members a shop plot costs $2000

- These plots will be listed as normal or embassy. Plot taxes for shops will vary on this.

If you have any questions about these plot rules and allocations, contact a Town Assistant+.
Title: Re: Faygo Dreams Plot Rules & Allocations
Post by: evzntv on October 10, 2021, 07:18:29 AM
Due to the new towny changes, this plot policy has been modified. Here's a rundown on what's changed:

- Removed the 2 plot option. Old residents who have obtained 2 plots, will be allowed to keep their 2 plot chunk.
- Added plot taxes, as per the new towny changes.
- 16x16 Plot tax is $10/day
- 32x32 Plot tax is $40/day
- 16x16 Embassy tax is $25/day
- 32x32 Embassy tax is $100/day

These changes were made in conjunction with the tax changes, which can be found here:
Updated on 10-10-2021.
Title: Re: Faygo Dreams Plot Rules & Allocations
Post by: evzntv on December 30, 2021, 06:50:10 PM
Our plot policy has been modified once again. Here's what has changed:

- Members are eligible to have a 16x16 plot AND a 32x32 plot if deemed eligible for a 32x32 plot by the town staff
- Removed requirement for having to apply for a 32x32 plot, as town staff will review plot situations on a player by player basis

Updated on 12-30-2021.