SentinelCraft Legacy Forum 2013 - 2022
Everything Else => Non-Minecraft Topics => Topic started by: XzarWizrobe on September 26, 2021, 11:33:27 PM
Sup ya'll,
Alot of you may know me, alot of you may not. Either way i just wanted to leave this here as a bit of closure as to why i have been inactive these past couple of weeks. First of my mind really hasn't been in a right place these past couple of months, especially now that i've been diagnosed with covid. video games have been a very big part of my life especially in the last year since quarantine began, and to be honest, i think i've got quite addicted to em, especially minecraft. School hasn't been easy on me either, but we'll see how that turns out.
I just want to thank the SentinelCraft community for these past 2 years.
see you someday...
Hello Xzar,
I've met you only a few times, but I really liked you and I think we got along pretty well. I'm very sorry to hear that you've been diagnosed with covid-19, but have hope - you shall get through this, stronger than before. I do hope everything turns out right for you and we'd be able to hang out once again. :) Wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Yours Sincerely,
Hi XzaeWizrobe, sorry to hear about your health. I think From the staff team we hope that you will get healthy and wish you good luck on your journey If you ever do need someone to talk to I'm always around and I'm sure there are a lot of other people on the server that wont mind the talk. All the best. <3
Hey Xzar,
I know that we never met in the server but i wish all the best for you and your health and hope you have a good time in the server.Stay safe and hope all the best for you.
Your Sincerely,
Hi Xzar, I know that we never met before but I really think you're a great person and also I feel really sorry for you cause of what you said about your health. I wish you a great life.