SentinelCraft Legacy Forum 2013 - 2022

Server Stuff => Server Announcements => Topic started by: BrendaxNL on January 29, 2022, 07:21:56 PM

Title: New Vote Shop!
Post by: BrendaxNL on January 29, 2022, 07:21:56 PM
Voting Shop Update!

Hello SentinelCraft!

We are pleased to announce our plans for change of the voting shop have been completed! This is the first major change to voting since 2013-2014,
we think that you'll like the update we have been working on! Our hope is that everyone can take advantage of the new and improved benefits and mechanics
that come from supporting the server and the community! With this change, we would like to attract more new players to the server by increasing the votes for the server.

Overview of the changes

These are the new voting sites

Down below, you can look at the new voting sites we have added! You can always access these links in-game using /vlist.


Since there are more voting sites, it is possible to get more voting points in a month than previously possible.
We will not be changing or "balancing" the value of each voting point to reflect more voting options, as we like to think of the extra voting points per month as a reward for those players that choose to vote on all the sites!

With these new voting sites, it is possible to get a total of 240 voting points per month as opposed to just 150 points per month under the old system.
Voting points are replacing tokens, we have setup a system to transfer your tokens to vote points! In order to do this, you need to do the following:

1) Use /token to see how many tokens you have.
2) Use the following commands to transfer all your tokens to vote points, this system goes per 1000, 100 and 10 tokens.

- /token2votepoint1 - Will transfer 10 tokens to 1 vote point.
- /token2votepoint10 - Will transfer 100 tokens to 10 vote point.
- /token2votepoint100 - Will transfer 1000 tokens to 100 vote point.

3) Keep repeating these commands until all tokens have been transferred to vote points. You can see how many points you have by using /votepoints.
If you have voted since bungee, you will notice that you got some extra points for free! Consider this a reward for your dedication!

Vote Shop


With the new voting shop, you can buy various items and perks. You can only use /voteshop in fedgardia. The new shop will carry the following items.

The new vote shop will carry the following items:

As you can see, we have tried to include some of the community feedback into our voting shop. We will be looking into adding the other suggestions during a next update in the future.
We have decided to remove Enchanted Books and Potion Effects from the vote shop as they were not used as frequently. This may change in the future.

Vote Rank

As stated before, we are adding a new Vote Rank to the server! This rank will be able to be bought from the Vote Store for 150 points and will last 30 days.
You will be able to consistently have the Vote Rank each month if you vote 23/30 days!

Why would I bother?
If any of these perks are abused, they might be removed from you and/or the whole server.

This concludes this announcement for the new changes coming to voting! We're excited to roll these changes out and we hope everyone enjoys them. Feel free to share your opinion on the changes down below.

Thank you for reading - it's time to get voting!

- Sentinel Staff