As soon as he joined our server, Calvin was part of Lux Aeterna alongside Fjerreiro. He ended up staying on this town for over a year until he decided to make his own, first called Renascentia, then later renamed to Intrepidum, all under the Incedium Empire. When Towny returned in 2018, he created a new town named Columba, which still has not developped a lot.
Calvin was part of the staff team from 2015 to 2019 and managed to reach the Admin rank.
As mentioned on a staff interview (, Calvin studied journalism and that inspired him to create and coordinate the first editions of the SentinelCraft Magazine ( He also gave us the initial idea of having a football minigame on the server, which lead to the known Chicken Football event, developped by others at a later time.
He participated in several events but, likewise the other two mentioned above, he never won any major event. However, it stands out his participation on the two editions of SentinelCraft Big Brother and several nominations for the SentinelCraft Awards, never reaching the final phase.
On a personal note, I want to mention that I've met Calvin and Fjerreiro when I went on a trip to the Netherlands in 2018, where we spent a week together. On a quick point, he took me sightseeing to the stadium of his club, Feyenoord, the cities of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Gouda, and I won a bowling game against them ;D. If you want to know more, you can read it here (!
His friend, Fjerreiro, said this:
"Calvin is my best friend IRL and I have known him for a very, very long time. He is creative and passionate about his own ideas. Even though he is not as active as he used to be anymore, he still played a big part in the history of SentinelCraft"
Check the full list of SentinelCraft's Memory Lane here (