SentinelCraft Legacy Forum 2013 - 2022
Towny => Towns => Market => Topic started by: HvPanda on November 28, 2018, 09:16:30 AM
Market plans
Do you have a great idea for our town place a reaction under this topic. The town will be growing all the time with new members, projects, items and more!
Current projects:
- Updating mob farms to 1.13 1.14
- new villger farm
- warp area
- player shops update
- wither and end portal at the new spawn
- a tall tower for Elytra. (thanks to SherlockH)
- finish the new farm area
- make a new tree farm
- update the shop, finish the sorter systeem
- Castle
Roof garden
Replace the roof on the big spawn tower
Add end and nether portal
Finish harbor, add a ship
Hidden rooms
suggestion: new mob (drowned, etc) farm
I can make a system that drowns the zombies but they will only drop rotten flesh. I'll add it someday but it will be something I'll do last.
Converted drowned also drop gold ingots, no? Would be a good alternative farm to get gold. (
Converted drowned also drop gold ingots, no? Would be a good alternative farm to get gold. (
I'll do some testing. I've hunted for a trident but didn't get any gold by killing the drowned. I think pigmen is still more efficient. Drowned zombies don't drop tridents so I won't make it for that.