SentinelCraft Legacy Forum 2013 - 2022
Rank Applications => Senior Member Application => Topic started by: JoeArmageddon on June 03, 2020, 02:37:26 PM
- What is your in-game name?
My in-game name is joe_armageddon
- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
i have been active for 1-2 months i think
- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
i have helped a small no of people like leokatoG who joined the server and i tpd him to me and gave him a full set of armour and weapons
- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
i have been rules restricted once for grieving but i just started the game that day and jailed once for having 2 accounts which i intended for my brother to play but then i passed it as a joke
- Do you vote regularly?
yeah i vote pretty much everyday but 1 site (mc-server list)says my username is invalid
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?
yes i am a vey active player here as well as the game i play for nearly 6-8 hours everyday
- Additional Information:none
Good Luck!!!
Your application will be under review and an answer will be given in the next 7 days.
Good luck! :)
Good luck, m8!
Good luck ;D
Good luck Joe
Good luck Mr. JOE ;)
Good Luck, joe_armageddon! 8)
Good luck!
Good luck!
Good Luck ;)
good luck joe :P
Your application has been denied. You are not involved much within the community and still don't know several basic things about our server.
What is your in-game name?
My in-game name is JoeArmageddon
- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
i have been active for at least 5 months
- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
yes i have helped some people mainly new people who join the server by giving them stuff and building houses for them like a player named raging and leoprokato
- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
i have been rules restricted once for grieving but i just started the game that day and jailed once for having 2 accounts which i intended for my brother to play but then i passed it as a joke
- Do you vote regularly?
yeah i vote pretty much everyday
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?
yes i am a vey active player here as well as the game i play for nearly 6-8 hours everyday
- Additional Information:i have a town named pandachaos
Good luck
Your application will be under review and an answer will be given in the next 7 days.
OMG! Good luck, Joe! <3
Good luck, Joe! <3
Good luck!
Merged topics, and best of luck to ya
Good luck :)
Good luck!
Good luck! :)
Good Luck!
Good luck!!! 👍
Thanks a lot guys!!!
Your application has been denied. You need to know better about our server. During your review period, you asked staff to remove things that belong to others where in the rules it states exactly how things are done.
@migas but the creator of that build was not even registered that's why I asked??
I dealt with this issue. Asking about it is fine and I encourage you to ask about things you are unsure about, but in this case, I told you that I would not be removing any of the builds, chests or items. This is because someone built it and may return to it, it does not matter if they are not registered with /res (that command can be a little strange at times). It was when you kept pushing for me to remove the chests and items I did find an issue as you were not willing to understand my explanation and was holding on to the idea that if they are not registered with /res their building are bulldoze worthy. When you built your town you should have considered the space around it and seen if there is room to grow.
oplegoman thanks for the detailed reason
ill try to be more polite and not pushy in the future!!
:D :D
thanks migas!!
:) :)
Better luck next time!
- What is your in-game name?
- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
Yes i have been active on the server for nearly 6 months
- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
Yes i have been helpful to other people on the server.there are many but specifically i remember helping FurthestYak(who btw is now an assistant in my town) and anorangeduck and some new players get settled on the server.
- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
i have been jailed and rules restricted during my starting days in the server due to grieving and asking for treasurehunt hints but i have improved very much since then
- Do you vote regularly?
I woudn't say regularly but yeah i do vote 5-6 times a week and forget 1 or 2 times
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?
Yes in fact i am active on the forums everyday.
- Additional Information:
i have become very attached to this server as this is the first server i ever played on
And Thanks!!
Good luck Joe!
good luck
Your last Application was denied on the 28July, That was only 21 day's ago you need to wait at least 30 days after your last denied appeal before applying again.
Oh I thought 1 month after I applied xD I'mma apply on 22th(btw it was rejected on 22nd)
Sorry for the trouble!!
- What is your in-game name?
My in game name is JoeArmageddon
- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
Yes i have been active on the server for nearly 6 months
- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
Yes i have been helpful to other people on the server.there are many but specifically i remember helping FurthestYak(who btw is now an assistant in my town) and anorangeduck and some new players get settled on the server.
- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
yes i was jailed very recently but i gotta admit it was an honest mistake i made an auto cactus farm and forgot to remove it thus it got me jailed.And i admit it was a totally foolish thing to do and i promise to not repeat any of these things in the future
- Do you vote regularly?
I woudn't say regularly but yeah i do vote 5-6 times a week and forget 1 or 2 times
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?
Yes in fact i am active on the forums everyday.
- Additional Information:
When i was jailed Due to the cactus farm i kinda questioned BrendaxNL(I'm so sorry Brenda) as i told her that i removed the chest but i didnt.I kinda do not arrange my colection system so i logblocked another chest and questioned her (Again so sorry) but i request my application not be judged on the basis of this sole incident and rather my overall behaviour
thanks !
Good luck (;
good luck
good luck, joe
Your application will be under review and an answer will be given in the next 7 days.
Good luck! :)
Good Luck!
Good luck!
Good luck, Joe! ;)
good luck
Thank you to all of u guys!!
gl dude
Good luck joe :D
thanks a lot to yall!!
Your application has been denied. We feel like we haven't seen any significant improvement since your last application. We expect our Senior Members to show example behavior as well as knowledge of our rules, a small mistake on your part that could've been dealt with in a more mature way.
all right ;) ;)
- What is your in-game name?
- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
Yes i have been active for 1 month
- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
Yes, i have been helpful to other players on the server,i dont particularly remember a name but i try to help any new player who hops on the server
- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
Yes i have been jailed once for having an auto farm and i am still sorry about that
- Do you vote regularly?
I dont vote regularly but i will try to vote more in the upcoming time
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?
Yes i will
- Additional Information:
Good luck Joe ;)
Good luck boii
good luck joe :)
Good luck this time joe
Good Luck Joe!
Good luck Joe!!
Your application will be under review and an answer will be given in the next 7 days.
Thanks a lot y'all
Good luck, Joe! :D
Good luck! :)
Good luck
Good Luck Joe!
Good luck joe :D
Thanks guys!!
Good luck!
Good Luck Joe! :D
Good luck Joe!!! :D
This application is temporarily suspended.
This review will resume now.
You have been promoted!
Thanks Y'all and dont scare me again! ;) :P :P
Finnaly congrats!!!!!! :O :P
Congratulations Joe! Keep doing a great job at PandaChaos 👍
Finally! Congratulations and welcome to the SM+ family, Joe! <3
Congratulations Joe
Congrats! ;D