SentinelCraft Legacy Forum 2013 - 2022
Server Stuff => Feature/Plugin Requests => Topic started by: Darkflame on August 05, 2020, 03:32:41 PM
This suggestion isn't for mining purposes. It is purely for the usage of town expansion underground. [at least for now]
Enabling Town Mayors to set Tnt enabled Zones in well established towns.
As of right now, the only way to clear a large space underground is to mine out the entire place by hand. The process is time consuming, annoying and, for people that can't play often, not worth the hassle.
I suggest that town mayors be able to set limited amounts of plots each time [to prevent spamming too much at once.] to allow for the usage of Tnt
There could be requirements for this function like
1. Town size
2. Duration of town
3. Town activity [like depositing money]
[These limitations are to prevent someone trolling by creating a town and blowing up everything nearby or for uncertain town to destroy the landscape.]
Other limitations for the Tnt usage can also be placed like blocks that are blown up do not drop any resources. Tnt would be used purely for "remodelling"/ "reshaping"/ "clearing large areas".
How would this function be useful?
1. Saves huge amounts of time to expand towns underground. For towns unable to gain more members but still wish to expand their facilities, they can choose to build underground instead. Also works for huge towns wishing to reduce upkeep by building under already claimed plots.
2. Gives Tnt a usage. Currently you can't even place a tnt block as a decoration in the towny world. It's completely useless here.
3. Reduces construction time. Towns can now set up their facilities/renovate a lot faster with tnt to speed up the removal process. [Small self rant, so far a lot of my town projects are severely delayed due to the time mining takes even with effV and haste 2]
What if a town gets blown up by other players when the mayor sets the plot as enabled explosions?
That would the mayors own fault, there's are reason why I suggest that the person in charge be the one to change the settings. Once work is done, it's your responsibility to protect your town.
Would the system be abused?
Very likely that people would try to abuse the system, thus the limitations that i suggested above to prevent such abuse.
Are you only making this suggestion because you are lazy to mine, in Minecraft?
[Of course, what do you think?] Not really, some people agree that mining is a tedious thing to do for huge areas too, it's just the matter of whether or not time can be saved.
Have you ever considered that tnt doesn't work because there's a grief prevention system that resets creeper explosions too? And that this system that prevents your idea also protects your stuff.
Yes. And if that's the case, I'll just shut up and cry with my pick axe in the cavern and continue mining by hand.
Have you considered that some programming is require for what you are asking and that it would be really hard to do them?
Read answer above.
That's about it for my request/suggestions here. Not sure if it counts under feature/plugin request. If it's not do tell where I should move this post.
Then what does /t toggle explosions do???
Then what does /t toggle explosions do???
tnt causes alot of lag both client and server end which is why tnt is useless