Welcome to Storage Wars!
Welcome to Storage Wars! A new mini-event brought to you by Spectre and the Artic Shop(Emulator)! Players are given 7 days to inspect the contents from the glass window, but may not enter the unit and place their bid. The player with the highest bid gets to claim the prize. This system works similar to a real-life auction, where players compete to get the prize by increasing their bid.
This event is sponsored by the Artic shop which you can visit at 2 Poppy Plaza! Do you need redstone components for that machine you were working on? Visit Artic! Prismarine and Sea lanterns for your base? Artic has you covered ;)! Concrete? Artic! Dye? Artic! Food? Artic!
The warp to the storage units can be found at the counter of Artic or you can use /warp Storage-Wars
We understand that participants are from a wide range of timezones. Not to worry! For this event, players can visit the storage unit at whatever time they are comfortable with before Wednesday 7th October 11:59 PM GMT! Place your bid in a reply to this post using the format:
Players with the highest bid for a unit in 7 days will be able to claim their prize!