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Messages - Deustch

Pages: [1]
Approved Client Modifications / FPSPLUS ~ Approved
« on: February 08, 2014, 03:20:49 PM »
Name of the mod: FPSPLUS

Url about it (www.minecraftforum.net): http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1904538-enchanted-item-lag-fix-more-fpsplusfpsplus-v3-prerelease-in-comments/

Why do you think it should be allowed: Well, the mod is made to increase your frames per second, and it helps out extremely with that. I went from a more choppy fps to a very smooth 60 FPS, and this can actually help people who decide to user shaders as well so that their computer doesn't melt.

The mod makes the game faster by making the math functions ingame to be faster. OptiFine has a "Fast Math" option, but it isn't as fast as FPSPLUS's math.

It's best judged when actually used ingame, just sayin'.

Feature/Plugin Requests / Statistic Tracking for WildWest and TeamPvP
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:53:34 AM »
So, if you do either /teampvp or /wildwest in game, you notice there are commands such as /ww top or /ww rank. This is to track statistics for the minigames, clearly. When attempting to use the command, it responds saying that tracking is not enabled.

This would let players track their stats (obviously), and /teampvp top would basically be for bragging rights. So would /ww rank. Blegh.

So, uh, yeah. Nothing else really.
except for the fact that this is my first post. :3

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