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Messages - Jesseyparente

Pages: [1]
Client Modification Approval Form / Re: Mod Forum 20+ Mods!
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:10:14 AM »
Vanilla is shit Mods make it better they should do a better job in vanilla they should put mouse tweaks.. Even I know how to create mods.. I make them just for me (Private) for patching shit that mojang cbf doing.

Client Modification Approval Form / Re: Mod Forum 20+ Mods!
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:29:43 AM »
Ik Some can be server sideable.. If you know what your doing!

Client Modification Approval Form / Mod Forum 20+ Mods! ~ Invalid
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:25:02 AM »
Name of the mods:3D Furnaces, ArmorStatusHUD, 3D Blocks, Code ChickenCore, Damage Indicators, DungeonPack, Hats mod, Hat Stand, iChun Util, Inventory Tweaks, Morphing mod, Mouse Tweaks, NEI, Optifine, StatusEffectHUD, Tree Capitator, VersionChecker & Voxel Map.

Sorry if I put some mods if they were already accepted.

Url about it (www.minecraftforum.net): Theres like 20 mods..

Why do you think it should be allowed:1. It Would be handy 2. Users would be happy 3. Because no-one likes Vannilla they love it when theres mods like NEI <3

Pages: [1]