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Messages - roadkill919

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
Know your Staff (KYS) / Re: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - TheGr8K8
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:28:32 AM »
just saw the facebook post for this in my news feed decided id pop back in and say hi to this great community. unfortunately i don't think i'm going to ever find the time to come back with the 4 leadership positions, grade 12, 3 extra curricular leadership positions and my grades i'm trying to uphold...

regardless, looks like your all doing well and this is kind of off topic so i won't blabber on any longer.

Server Announcements / Re: Temporary world!
« on: June 13, 2015, 02:39:19 AM »
ok so this is clearly some big issue that's affected the regular world for it to be this demanding. So curious me wants to know what happened/ what went wrong ^^? is that public knowledge yet/has it been disclosed?

Non-Minecraft Topics / Re: Assassin's Creed Players?
« on: June 13, 2015, 02:27:44 AM »
Brotherhood on the 360 was definitely the best, after all its essentially AS2 with extra features.

I felt restricted as you couldnt actually leave rome, ACII allows you to explore several cities.

yeah that was a pain, but i personally preferred the game play element of having the assassin recruits opposed to the exploration.

alot of you say you have a xbox360, if you want, add me as a friend. my GT is NovasK27926

sorry mate, my 360 has been retired. I've moved to PC and haven't touched my 360 in 6 or so months (its currently just a decoration in my entertainment unit). however if you still want to add me for shits and giggles XBLGamertag: Fariko Dungeonz i could go back to it at some stage & i would be more than willing to play some ASII or ASBH with you [or any other of the games i have for my 360].

Non-Minecraft Topics / Re: Assassin's Creed Players?
« on: June 11, 2015, 05:06:48 AM »
Brotherhood on the 360 was definitely the best, after all its essentially AS2 with extra features.

Epic Builds / Re: Doc's Rainbow Generator
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:43:24 PM »
not trying to show you up or anything but a popular you tuber i watch and an advanced redstoner has built quite a cool setup similar to this. it might be useful to look at it and maybe incorporate some of its redstone system into yours D:


10 people joined, so this will be the schedule :)

First Round
(A)Migas94 - SnapPvP
(B)Pauizz - Fjerreiro

Quarter Finals
(C)Jvmcs 1 - 5 Romaze6
(D)calvinpijn - Winner Migas94/SnapPvP
(E)Ninja5132 - Bobcreeper47
(F)Eagler1997 - Winner Pauizz/Fjerreiro

Semi Finals
(G)Romaze6 - Winner D
(H)Winner E - Winner F

3rd place:
Loser G -  Loser H

Winner G - Winner H

Note: Jvmcs and Romaze played their match because they were online together on the same time. Congratz on Romaze for reaching the semifinals!

so wait ninja and bob creeper are just in the quarter finals to start with without having to win a qualifier? damn i wish all competitions wen't like this.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:13:24 AM »

- Why should you be unbanned?
This ban was due to the ENTIRE server all wanting my head and not even admins would back me up at all so... the rage was due to that reason for my yelling and cussing.

FYI, Admins have zero obligations to 'back you up'. PvP is permitted by server rules therefor those that were hunting you (provided they didn't break other rules) where not in the wrong in any way, shape or form.

Non-Minecraft Topics / Re: Here's something I've been working on.
« on: May 16, 2015, 03:36:25 AM »
damn looks nice, what is this? Maya?

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned
« on: May 16, 2015, 03:23:20 AM »
i hav lots of logs, i cant find which 1. And those guys were trying to kill me at the first place.

Minecraft's logs are sorted by dates, you should be able to find the log that corresponds to the date said issue occurred. the log file may be lengthy but still easy to locate.
for a guide on finding logs visit here: http://sentinelcraft.net/forum/index.php?topic=3103.0

You must submit the log, or there's no chance of them accepting you back....
Try to remember the date, and upload the .tgz file as a attachment

How do you know there is no chance?

congratz, welcome to the club [FYI, blue is better than the other colours :D]

And we have the winners!!

1st Place: 2_Spooky4U - Prize: "Trivia's Secret"

2nd Place: NadaCookie - Prize: Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe

3rd Place: MeanManSlayer - Prize: $5000 Ingame Money

Claim your rewards contacting me. Thanks to all for playing, see you on the next trivia!! 

is it just me of does the 3rd place prize seem better than the second place prize? i personally would take $5000 over an enchanted pick [unless it was something stupid like fortune VII or efficency X. that is]

i honestly thought monsters university was Pixar ,-,. oh well shows how little i know and care for childrens movies

Moderator Application / Re: Xander27926's Moderator Application
« on: April 29, 2015, 09:32:37 AM »
congrats man, it seems every donator/sm i knew when i started is getting staffing positions. your all growing up so fast :D

Everything Else / Re: selling the town the_woods!
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:43:53 AM »
Overlord has been debating this for a while and Dell keeps nagging me about buying the town (he was prepared to pay), he seems really eager but he faces the same challenge as champ has stated above. we have no willing player to allocate to mayor of said town. Is there a active resident within the town you would trust with being the mayor?

Non-Minecraft Topics / Re: Ducklings VS. Leopard Cubs!
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:52:35 PM »
I'm sorry but baby MIGAS takes the cake

This is not the portuguese migas.

no it is the spanish i believe, but still.

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