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Messages - Funicious

Pages: [1]
Non-Minecraft Topics / Re: Our Fond Farewell to Kouen Kami
« on: January 27, 2015, 11:21:18 AM »
Honestly, I don't know whether to be angry at you or to be sad that you, the only person who was way crazier than me, would leave...

I knew this was coming when you sent that message to me, but I never knew it would still take me by surprise.

I don't want to say goodbye or farewell because they mean that I won't be able to see you again...so I will say "Til we meet again" because I really want you to come back! I mean seriously, I don't think I am ready to be an assistant for Lomari, but I will still try to be the best I can be...Don't expect too much.

You are a fine leader and an amazing friend, it is an honor to have had you as my superior, Madam Mistress.

Senior Member Application / Re: Roadkill919 SM app
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:21:31 AM »
You will get this mate, you have been very helpful in the server! Good luck!

Everything Else / Re: Funny Screenshots
« on: December 07, 2014, 05:23:59 AM »
This was my very first village when I played minecraft. The tree in the middle was for the villagers were killed when I "accidentally" summoned the wither... ::)

Ban Appeals / Funicious' Ban Appeal
« on: December 06, 2014, 06:56:24 AM »
- In-game name: Funicious

- Date and time of ban? (Include Timezone): 2:41pm at Dec 6, 2014 - Pacific Time

- Which Staff member banned you?:

- Why were you banned? "Request Password Change," well that's what is written. I guess it was multiple failed attempts...

- Were you previously jailed or muted?: No and I still don't plan to be.
- Why should you be unbanned?: Because this was a mistake made by my internet connection

Additional Information:
I logged in, wrote my password, but I was still not on...or so I thought. My internet lagged and then I found out that I was already in the server and wrote my password in chat. So I guess I was banned for my own protection. so thank you to those who banned me, I really appreciate it that you looked over for my account. :)

Moderator Application / Re: Sharp's moderator application 2
« on: December 05, 2014, 04:39:12 AM »
Much wishes Much Luck! GL Sharp

Senior Member Application / Funicious' SM Application
« on: November 30, 2014, 09:22:23 PM »
Funicious' Senior Member Application:

- My in-game name is Funicious

- I have been a member of sentinelcraft for more than 1 month.

- I have helped sharpkiss with the building of his church. I have helped with small matters, Like answer some basic questions that new players have asked. I don't know if this counts but I helped Rubick by not letting his villager zombie not despawn and protecting it from zombies when he was already a villager.

- No, Never. and I don't plan on getting any punishment for breaking rules.

- I voted each and every day for 1 month, but then my classes demanded more time and well, this month I only vote when I get the chance.

- I will only stop when hell freezes over.

- Additional Information:
I want to be a senior member, because seeing my name in blue looks good, but that's just a bonus. The real reason why I am applying is I want to show new players that this server is amazing and I will be one of the proof that can testify to that as well as they will know that they can approach me and ask me anything, and I think I can convince my friends to join this server as well if they see My awesome Blue name...again that's a bonus.

Pages: [1]