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Messages - Harkon

Pages: [1]
Everything Else / Extreme inactivity
« on: March 12, 2015, 12:11:40 PM »
           Hi Harkon here,im here to tell my friends and members of Sentinelcraft that im going to be rarely active,sorry for this sudden message ,its that i can t be as active anymore especially to keep the town,so MacLeezy ill let u decide if u want to find some1 suitable to be the new mayor in Sparta.I hope ull help me cause i dont want to turn Sparta into ruins.So pls help me out also i liked to thank every1 for giving me the BEST TIME of celebrating my long school holiday it was all greatly spent in the server and its all thx to everyone who got me there,especially Matt,Champ,Freaker,Enrique and Jash without u guys i think i wouldnt have so much fun without u guys.I also liked to shout out to everyone even the newcomers in Sentinelcraft and the server Good Luck! in the future days. ;D


Senior Member Application / Re: Harkon's Senior Member
« on: December 26, 2014, 12:54:54 AM »
Thx Guys For All The Support Uve Given me  ;D

Senior Member Application / Harkon's Senior Member
« on: December 25, 2014, 11:07:38 AM »
Senior Member Application Format
- What is your in-game name? Harkon

- Have you been active for at least 1 month? Yes,at least 30 days

- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?

i try to be as helpful as possible i  would reply the question ppl ask in the server regardless of they were new n old When Enrique left Sparta I moved everything n organised everything when he logged out i also recovered his pick which was a gift that was griefed so i got it back n gave it to the guy who was gonna recieved it cos enrique wasnt online i have also helped Freaker627 n also saved his lives multiple time i helped him get him items back when he kept dying n lose the item again when he was trapped by the wither skelly luckily nothing despawned.I have also helped Sparta (My Home Town) to get earn back the money from the building competition.When ElementalOG lost hi s bow i gave him 1 with some enchants.
I have helped Rubick to clear land before n I sometimes stop feuds in the server from continuing.

- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?

Yes I have been muted before for a minute cause Eagler was talking bout a command called /free money i thought it was a joke n would told me to do /help but something else happened.

- Do you vote regularly?

No,and i know that its very important to u guys but my internet signal is weak n it always crashes my google.
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?

The Server definetly,Forums yes but i will only reply if it is needed

- Additional Information:
i enchant often so when ppl lose their enchanted items i try to recover  them back to the original state so if any1 loses magic stuff just contact me n i will help.
P.S:HI >w< And GL to the server ppl.

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