i would like to report This person for the following false reporting and being a dick.
Firstly they stalked me first while i was siting in my home all alone just talking to my moo moos where he proceded to try and engage in pvp being as he is no challenge i decided i would not kill how ever my friend ninja who was viciously attacked by this player wanted revenge so i allowed him to think i was out and about they preceded to go after me again while my friend ninja was here there he then quicky started using pearls after he saw his time being brought to and end and finaly ran away then comming back multiple times this is all and good. Now Pony is on attacking with his pony friends. you come to my house i come to yours. i will get inside i will kill you. i can still pearl inside and i have used your nether portal untill you broke it fistly i did not repeat killing or spawn kill a pony friend killed you, i was on my way so once i got in i saw you and killed you then you ran into your farm i followed and killed you there you used a warp that was accessible to any one near you stood inside a cow farm that has a spawner right inside it thinking they will protect you then you afked on and off while in your cow farm you went after my town member kileld my friend moth spawn killed migas. you sir just got what was coming to you. Have a good day look behind you. im there
"following false reporting and being a dick." Childish, "attacked by this player wanted revenge so i allowed him to think i was out and about" situated over with ninja. " you come to my house i come to yours." Never killed you at your house, never bothered to know you. " a warp that was accessible to any one near" considering the entirety of my home is blocked off it is not accessible by anyone.
"a spawner right inside it thinking they will protect" please explain your logic for it is nothing but spelling mistakes and nonsense.
"fistly i did not repeat killing or spawn kill a pony friend killed you," can you really say that an hour later?
" kileld my friend moth" over, situated, said sorry to Kami, " killed migas" once again situated. "you sir just got what was coming to you." i dont believe that about 11 deaths is hardly what you call "coming to you." You're obviously holding a personal grudge cause you're constantly harassing me near after after politely asking you to leave. You're doing nothing but being childish throughout the entirety of this comment?