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Messages - x0xyoudo609x0x

Pages: [1]
Everything Else / Re: Fresh Hunt (Hunting Season)
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:42:52 PM »
Will give 4k for x0xyoudo609x0x's head. He won't let me get it and I'm in a party with him, so I need someone to do it for me.
Thank you for those who participate. c:

You're forcing me to break ties with everyone. My head shall not be claimed!

Holiday Festivities / Re: SentinelCraft's Easter Egg Hunt
« on: April 18, 2014, 01:06:57 PM »
Egg 18 - MTA192AAF

Moderator Application / ~Youdo609's 2nd Moderator Application~
« on: April 10, 2014, 03:13:25 AM »

-What is your in-game name?
 ~ x0xyoudo609x0x

-Current Rank?
 ~ Senior Member

-Where are you from?
 ~ 13, I will be turning 14 in September 1st
-How often do you vote?
 ~ I vote regularly, though I might miss some days due to major work IRL.

-When did you join this server?
 ~ Somewhere in June(or July) 2013 (I cannot remember the day/date, :I)
-What time of the day are you on? (Include Timezone)
 ~ I am mainly on at 8AM-11PM(Central Time)

-Are you currently staff on any other servers?
 ~ At the moment, no.

-Why do you think should you be promoted and how will you be helpful?
 ~ Despite the last incident that had occurred with me as a moderator, I have decided to move past that and take a chance. I believe that I should be promoted because I have devoted my Minecraft times to Sentinel Craft, and I have done much (I think) to assist the server(I don't want to fall behind rank as well :P).
    I will be helpful as a moderator by assisting those who are new and aid the current members and staff of this server.

-Do you feel like you can be neutral and be loyal to the server rules above all else?
 ~ Yes, indeed. Being neutral is something that I believe I am able to do, I will observe all of the things before inducing something, I will stand loyal to the server rules more than anything else to prevent any mischief and any incidents, even if a friend of mine breaks the rules, he/she shall receive their given punishment
-Additional Information
 ~ I have given myself the time to refresh from my mistake the last time I was moderator, and I believe it is time to start again. Even though I said that I am not worthy as one, I will at least try to become one, and hopefully I will make no mistake as I did last time. Also, I give thanks to those who inspired me to leave myself out of the past!
Thank you for reading!

Monthly Voting Prize / Re: February's Monthly Voting Prize Winners!
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:21:45 AM »

Anyways, congrats to the winners.
Such forgetfulness, dang it Kami!
And, thank you.

Ooh, may I take the Anvilplease?

Moderator Application / Youdo's Moderator Application
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:18:16 AM »
~ In-Game Name:

~ Current Rank:
Senior Member

~ Where I was from:
I was from Middle Georgia of Georgia of the United States of America

~ My Age:
13 Years old

~ How Often do You Vote:
Almost everyday

~When did I join the Server:
I believe I joined before the end of June/July (Been absent for a while, I forgot)

~ What Time of the Day are you on:
I'm on usually at 11:20AM+ - 8:25PM+. The Timezone is Central Time (U.S. & Canada)

~ Are you currently staff on any other servers:
Not anymore (Was once administrator -Server went down permanently)

~Why do you think should you be promoted and how will you be helpful:
I believe I should be promoted because I wish to be of more service to the server and assist those who are in need. (I wouldn't want to fall behind rank as well : ;D )
-How I am able to be accommodating will be to do as whatever anyone asks of me to do, (except bad things ;D) and also help the new members and fellow members of the server.

 ~ Do you feel like you can be neutral and be loyal to the server rules above all else:
Very Much! I show fealty towards anything & anyone that will lead forth something great.

~Additional Information:
Although I am slightly naive, but I am forever benevolent and caring towards anyone.
Also, I am slightly eloquent. (Depends on whoever judges.)

Pages: [1]