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Messages - bobmichael97

Pages: [1]
Server Announcements / Re: Parkour arrived to SentinelCraft!
« on: March 20, 2016, 10:15:56 AM »
heim i've put all my kangaroo power to use and finished the parkour, now for your own safety please don't create another one. was good levels though

Senior Member Application / Re: senior members aplication thing
« on: March 14, 2016, 01:00:42 AM »
yay no more being yelled at from spock

Senior Member Application / Re: senior members aplication thing
« on: March 08, 2016, 10:18:07 AM »
I'm doing this again because Spock, Kate and Chris keep yelling at me to do it again so ima try again
- What is your in-game name?
- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
I am active as much as i can be with both work and family filling in most of my time
- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
yes, I have recently helped radbull start on the server while trying to translate to spanish for him
- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
- Do you vote regularly?
no, because i dont have time to do it
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?
ill try my hardest to stay active on the forums
additional infomation:
Spcok and Kate intoduced me to the server and now have became friends with many people on the server. i may go inactive for up to 3 days due to work and not being able to get on the computer

Senior Member Application / Re: senior members aplication thing
« on: November 28, 2015, 12:05:44 AM »
Yeah after being busy with work and family things I haven't been able to get on

Senior Member Application / senior members aplication thing
« on: November 25, 2015, 03:17:27 AM »
- What is your in-game name?
- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
- Do you vote regularly?
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?
additional infomation:
spock and kate friend

Pages: [1]