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Messages - uhash

Pages: [1]
Feature/Plugin Requests / Jobs
« on: December 25, 2015, 11:31:39 AM »
I would like the plugin Jobs to be added to the server. That was, it's a little easier for players to earn money. Don't make it too overpowered, for example one level means one extra $ for a jobs, but also not too weak, for example: 1 level adds 0.00000000000001$ for a job. Make it so that specific jobs that have a slower process (Hunting, Enchanting, Fishing, etc.) Get more money per level compared to jobs that have a faster process (Mining, Digging, Building, etc.). So, that jobs with a faster process get 0.0001$ per level while jobs with a slower process get 0.001$ per level.

Pages: [1]