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Messages - MrSwagLord17

Pages: [1]
Senior Member Application / Re: MrSwagLord17's SM application
« on: March 20, 2016, 06:31:00 PM »
May THE FORCE  be on your side MrSwagLord.

Haha, may the force be with you too xD Have a nice day!

Senior Member Application / Re: MrSwagLord17's SM application
« on: March 20, 2016, 01:56:40 PM »
Good luck

Thanks mate! Have a nice day, Eagler!

Senior Member Application / Re: MrSwagLord17's SM application
« on: March 20, 2016, 11:11:06 AM »
Good luck, MrSwagLord! :D

Thank you! Have a nice day!

Feature/Plugin Requests / A fantastic suggestion by MrSwagLord
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:39:55 PM »
Hey. I was wondering if you guys could add the auction plugin? It's fun, and it's a easier way for people to get money and the stuff they need.

Thank you,

Senior Member Application / Re: MrSwagLord17's SM application
« on: March 19, 2016, 09:19:17 PM »
   May luck be on your side MrSwagLord.

Thank you. Have a nice day!

Senior Member Application / MrSwagLord17's SM application
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:44:06 PM »
- What is your in-game name? MrSwagLord17

- Have you been active for at least 1 month? Yes, I have been active since 18th February.

- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how? I have been helping many people, especially new players. I always try to do my best and answer their question(s) as good as I can. Sometimes I just welcome people to the server to make them feel like a part of the SentinelCraft family, and sometimes I answer questions about the rules; like if griefing is allowed or not.

- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive? Yes, I have been banned for multi-accounting. They unbanned me after some days.

- Do you vote regularly? I used to, but I have been busy lately due to a lot of homework. I'm sorry about that, but now I'm finally done with it, and I'm ready to vote more regularly.

- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums? Yes.

- Additional Information: Thank you for reading.

Ban Appeals / Re: MrSwagLord17's ban appeal
« on: February 26, 2016, 05:53:32 PM »
That's because myself, my friends and Julho17 had plans to play on this server. He hoped that he was unbanned, since it happened 2 years ago...

Ban Appeals / MrSwagLord17's ban appeal
« on: February 26, 2016, 05:48:14 PM »
- In-game name: MrSwagLord17

- Date and time of ban? (Include Timezone): 17:20 (maybe 17:25) UK timezone.

- Which Staff member banned you? (Blank if you do not know) Migas did

- Why were you banned? (What Appears on your ban message) Well, he banned me for multi-accounting. My younger brother, Julho17, got banned on this account for like 2 years ago by Ellem. I don't really know what happened to him ( and I don't really care either xD). I havn't done anything, only played here with some of my friends. I don't really see a problem about it, but there's a misunderstanding here. I totally accept that I got banned by Migas, but I havn't done anything wrong, and it's unfair that I got banned for what my younger brother did.

- Were you previously jailed or muted? (If yes, say why) Nope
- Why should you be unbanned? Well, because I havn't done anything wrong. My brother got banned, and it's unfair that I have to face a punishment that I don't deserve. I'm here to play with my friends, not to get banned for something I havn't done. Again, I see why it happened, but there is a misunderstanding.

Additional Information:

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