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Messages - Cupi1999

Pages: [1]
Senior Member Application / Re: -Senior Member Application-
« on: August 24, 2016, 08:47:55 AM »
I wish you good luck bro and I hope you will get promoted, fingers crossed! :)

Senior Member Application / Senior Member Application
« on: July 20, 2016, 10:46:30 AM »
What is your in-game name?
- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
Yes I did
- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
I helped all new players that joined, helped Brenda for resources, ace for dmd-s and I am looking to help more people in future on this server.
- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
Nope nothing
- Do you vote regularly?
Yes I do and I am happy to see a new token shop that will be open for players.
- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?
Yes of course! :)
- Additional Information: I rly like this server because when I joined the first time people were so kind and polite I was in shock.

Pages: [1]