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Messages - Mihoshika

Pages: [1] 2
The Hosters / Re: The Return
« on: February 24, 2017, 05:59:10 PM »
- In game name: foxpatronus
- Which game you want if you win and why: Hand of Fate because I also don't like weapons (plus the other one is not available on a Mac :P)

- In game name: migas94
- Which game you want if you win and why: Hand of Fate because it has Rich (and I don't like games that have weapons)

... You both play Minecraft, which has weapons. *cough*

Everything Else / Done w/ MC for a while.
« on: February 24, 2017, 05:12:13 PM »
Pretty sure I'm done playing minecraft for, at the very least, several months. Therefore, I am giving all my stuff to fox. Enjoy :P

Everything Else / Re: Looking for skilled builders to work for me
« on: February 07, 2017, 04:27:00 PM »
I don't think minotaurs or killing birds are a thing. Anyways, Eagler is supposedly going to do it after he finishes whatever his current project is.

Everything Else / Re: 1-2 Fairly Skilled Builders Needed
« on: January 31, 2017, 08:09:39 PM »
Should probably point out that I don't want it looking nearly that... spike-y? More of a smoother gradient preferred.

Wonderful job this month ;3

Everything Else / Re: Looking for skilled builders to work for me
« on: January 28, 2017, 03:20:35 AM »
I don't necessarily want a typical maze, so much as a maze of rooms, which are all unique, and have hidden passages, and stuff like that.

Everything Else / Looking for skilled builders to work for me
« on: January 28, 2017, 01:33:15 AM »
I'm looking to create an underground area a bit over 150x150 in length/width, and utilize most of the area between surface and bedrock.

As to the specifics, I'm not entirely sure as to what I want (I lack imagination). Just something... interesting. Perhaps like a maze, but less boring. It is to have absolutely no function except to entertain anyone who happens to stumble upon it... I gotta waste my money on something, ya know? Not like I'm even remotely skilled in building on my own.

Anyways, put links to previous works (preferably similar to requested work) in reply,  or PM if you wish. If you wish to ask questions, I will be on the server quite frequently.

Payment will be, at the most, 250k, depending on quality of work, as well as a sign giving due credit.

Edit: Oh, and preferably SM+, as I don't want any thiefs, ya know?

Edit #2: Will try to supply all needed materials.

Client Modification Approval Form / Re: Macro / Keybind Mod
« on: January 18, 2017, 05:46:16 PM »
This can't be used to anti-AFK...?

Everything Else / Re: Christmas Gifts
« on: December 29, 2016, 01:42:36 AM »

Holiday Festivities / Re: SentinelCraft Christmas Lottery
« on: December 19, 2016, 07:28:59 PM »
Username: Mihoshika
Ticket(s):1, 100

Bug Reports / Re: Can't access my first card deck.
« on: December 19, 2016, 06:32:47 PM »
First deck working now, thanks.

Bug Reports / Can't access my first card deck.
« on: December 19, 2016, 06:19:24 PM »
Have used multiple copies of the book, and tried over a couple days. First deck does not open.

Bug Reports / Mcmmo EXP bug
« on: December 08, 2016, 05:57:33 PM »
Experienced required for first level is way higher than it should be.

It's like this for all the stats, I do believe. They require ~155k EXP for the next level, regardless of what level they are.

Other players have said they are having the same problem.

Everything Else / Re: Selling stuff from mining...
« on: December 08, 2016, 02:46:11 PM »
Lapis lazuli isn't as rare as diamonds. I think you might wanna change the price for it, doubt anyone will buy it.
Lowered the price a bit. No, lapis lazuli is not as rare as diamonds, but it still has value... Current price is only slightly higher more than shop.

In fact, I sell for way less. Auction is cheaper

Halved the price, as I realized it was a bit unreasonable. Also, the auction is not cheaper, from what I can see.

I offer 6$/stack of cobble, not even a cent more.

Cobble is staying at 10 per stack, unless someone buys in bulk, which I added a lower price for.

Everything Else / Selling stuff from mining...
« on: December 08, 2016, 02:27:32 AM »
Cobble - 5 per stack, 200 for 54 stacks (double chest).s
Iron - 15 per ingot, 135 per block, 8500 per stack of iron blocks.
Gold - 20 per ingot, 180 per block, 11000 per stack of gold blocks.
Diamonds - 100 per diamond, 900 per block, 57500 per stack of diamond blocks
Lapis Lazuli - 20 per block,  1250 per stack of blocks.
Redstone Blocks - 5 per block, 300 per stack of blocks.

Current Stock:
Cobble - 1904+ stacks
Iron Blocks - 60 stacks
Gold Blocks - 12 stacks
Diamond Blocks - 4 stacks
Lapis Lazuli - 30 stacks
Redstone Blocks - 80 stacks

Mail me or PM me. Up ta you.

... P.S. I mine a lot...

Pages: [1] 2