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Messages - Surfen

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Re: Lost my main items that i had in inventory
« on: January 01, 2017, 03:25:31 PM »
If you died and do not respawn in 5 minutes, you have another 5 minutes to go grab your items after you die. You logged off dead and didn't respawn so the 5 minutes were gone and items vanished.
But i had 3k in my balance and i dont remember dying before logging out
okay whatever thanks anyway :D

Bug Reports / Lost my main items that i had in inventory
« on: January 01, 2017, 02:50:02 PM »
Ok so yesterday when i got home i decided to play some minecraft, I logged in and saw that i was dead, i didnt think it would be a big deal since i had 3k in my bal and i was sure my items won't drop
When i spawned i had no item in my inventory, I thought it was a bug or anything i tried /bug i tried to relog but still no items and exp
also i forgot to mention that i dont remember that i died before logging out
`````just incase its a known thing in minecraft just tell me that it is no need to reply with a mean reply cuz im new and i never heard about this````````
admin needed pls

Report Cheating / Multiply accounts
« on: December 29, 2016, 02:59:44 AM »
This is a serious situation
Recently this one member joined with the name SurfenFeek and started harrasing me and my friend RealAbuse,
This person pretended to be someone we know somehow so they fooled us and  we allowed them to join our houses, he also killed my dogs
Im pretty sure that person had an account before.
May you please also tell me in Private message or with a reply what's the real username of that person? thats a serious situation as i said thanks.
since a mod told me that this player doesnt show up , can you check the players that recently joined the server because he joined an hour ago.

Holiday Festivities / Re: SentinelCraft Christmas Lottery
« on: December 26, 2016, 01:35:20 AM »
Ticket(s): 73 , 106

Ban Appeals / Banned for being 'new'
« on: December 07, 2016, 07:29:28 PM »
- In-game name: Surfen

- Date and time of ban? (Include Timezone): 21:20? 7 - 12 - 2016
- Which Staff member banned you? ~~~

- Why were you banned? Trolling?

- Were you previously jailed or muted? (If yes, say why)dunno
- Why should you be unbanned? its my first time playing minecraft and your cool admin started provokin me for bein new and callin me stupid/playing dumb, i see you guys dont like new players ;)
just trynna say that i got banned for saying 'never knew i can run fast in minecraft' or maybe because i broke a block that says : Free items. huh
Gimme a second chance maybe i wont 'play' dumb.

Pages: [1]