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Messages - skeppy

Pages: [1]
Senior Member Application / Skeppy's Staff Application
« on: October 10, 2018, 07:47:39 PM »
Your in-game name: My in-game username is Skeppy.
What timezone are you in?
AEST UTC +10 hours
What country do you live in?
I live in Australia.

What languages do you speak?
English, Korean, and Japanese.

Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No
Yes, I do have 2FA enabled.

Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
Yes, I do have the necessary means of capturing evidence, a screenshot application and a recording software.(NCH Video Capture Software)

Why do you think you should become a helper?
I think I should become a helper because I enjoy playing on Minetime and would like to help the server in any way. This helper position would be beneficial to me as I would like to acquire responsibilities on the server or forum and to help the Minetime community with any queries.

I am currently volunteering at an aged care home, which I think would help me if I were to get this position as I do have experience helping other people. What I do at the aged care home is socialize with the elderly residents and play games with them, help them in my time spent there every week.

I have the confidence and communication skills to take part in this position and am aware of the various responsibilities that comes with being a helper. Although I may come out as a bit strong that is because I stand up for what I believe is right and not what is wrong. I have integrity and honesty, grant that I may make mistakes along the way, I am human after all. If there is a problem with a certain player I will make sure to see it from there point of view instead of giving my opinion straight away on how I think this person should handle their issue.

If I am not online in-game, then I would most likely be on the forums. I am on the forums for most of the day, I check it once everyone thirty minutes, I think that is good because I can reply to those that need help ASAP. I should become helper because I live in Australia that is an advantage to the server as there aren't many staff that live in Australia as most live in different time zones.

How long can you be active on the server every day?
I can be active on the server during the week for 2 hours a day and 6-8 hours on the weekend.

How long have you been playing Minetime?
I?ve been playing on Minetime since the end of 2010.

Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
I have been banned on the forums once because I used an account for likes when I was new to the forums, yes I am a sad person.

Do you have any past experience as a moderator/helper?
No, I do not have any past experience as a moderator/ helper.

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