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Messages - funweygames

Pages: [1]
Moderator Application / Staff App
« on: November 12, 2018, 02:18:35 AM »
Basic Information:
In-game Username: friendofGod2
Age: 15
Timezone: MST
Do you understand that abusing or not fulfilling your duties as a staff member will get you demoted?: I understand sir/ma'am

General Questions:
Have you joined our Discord?: no
Do you have a microphone?: yes but its cord is missing
Do you have a recording software (and which)?: no
Do you have any previous staffing experience (where, what position, experience gained, etc.)?: i used to own a server and i was admin on Mineplex before retiring
Why do you want to be staff on ExplodingPvP?: I can help players have a good experience and help them learn about the server and help them with hackers.
What do you think separates you from other applicants?: I am nice, helpful, i will strive to do my best and have minimal complaining. I will help out people and I will respect them as well.
Anything else you feel we should know about you?: N/A

Scenario Questions:
A player is advertising his Minecraft server. What do you do and why? I warn them once, then i mute them if they continue. Then i would advertise this server on Hipixel. I would mute them only for a day or two though because they didn't mean it.
A player is repeatedly sending the same question in chat. What do you do and why? I would IP ban them, they are SO ANNOYING!!!! THEN, i would DDos them.
A player threatens to DDoS the server. What do you do and why? DDoS them, they can't DDoS something that DDoS'd them
You notice a fellow staff member acting in an abusive manner. What do you do and why? threaten to hack there bank account
You suspect a player of hacking. What do you do and why? ip ban them instantly. doesnt matter if they werent

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