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Messages - xav1or

Pages: [1]
Senior Member Application / Re: Senior Member Application
« on: August 17, 2019, 09:03:51 PM »
awww yeah thanks  ;D

Senior Member Application / Senior Member Application
« on: August 08, 2019, 09:14:00 PM »
- What is your in-game name?

- Have you been active for at least 1 month?
Hi all , my In game name is xav1or and I joined Sentinel in february 2019!

- Have you been helpful for other people on the server? If yes, who and how?
I always try to help newcomers and other players if they need a command, sometimes I give items to people in need but I do not help those who beg for tools/diamonds . I onced ''helped'' GeneralSand cause he said to me that he lost all his stuff , and since he helped me before I craft him a full set of diamonds tool and an armor , turn out it was only a test to see what type of guy I am  xD.

- Have you been jailed/muted/rules restricted before? If yes, what punishment and motive?
I've never been muted/jail/ or restricted before .

- Do you vote regularly?
I try to vote as much as I can :D

- Are you going to be active and keep in touch on the forums?

- Additional Information:
If the server stay as awesome as it is right now I see no reason to leave, I might be less active due to college starting soon but my free minecraft time will be well spent on the serv :D

that's all folks nothing else to say

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