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Messages - Remiaw

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Fortuna / Fortuna City
« on: April 25, 2022, 03:15:45 AM »
Welcome to
Fortuna City
Nᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ Aʀᴅᴀ

A realistic modern city, open for everyone to join. What do we mean for 'realistic modern'?  Tall buildings, shops, subway service ― all within a large road grid. 32?32 plots available. See in the map.

    ⦿ Sᴛᴀғғ: Mayor Remiaw
‣ Rules: [link to rules post]‣ we're looking for staff! [link to applications post]‣ news: [link to news post]
Photo courtesy of Candle.

This post is still a work in progress.

Holiday Festivities / Re: SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2022!
« on: March 27, 2022, 02:46:58 PM »
This time I wouldn't let it go so easily ;D

Holiday Festivities / Re: SentinelCraft Easter Egg Hunt 2022!
« on: March 20, 2022, 02:29:15 AM »
Yayyyyyyy my first one! @General_Sand

Towns / Fortuna Town Board
« on: February 21, 2022, 07:36:59 PM »
  - Town Name: Fortuna

  - Mayor: Remiaw

  - Assistants: (none, currently)

  - Board Description: We're still standing

Server Events / Re: SCCF Season 2
« on: January 12, 2022, 08:53:43 PM »
Artinity 11 - 0 ItsThorn

Reffed by Remiaw

Server Events / Re: SCCF Season 2
« on: December 17, 2021, 09:23:02 PM »
In game name: Remiaw
Town and nation: Fortuna / Arda. More like "Fortuna City, Nation of Arda"

Senior Member Application / Re: Candle's Senior Member Application
« on: December 04, 2021, 07:03:19 PM »
Good luck friend! 👍

Winter 2021 / Re: SentinelCraft New Year Lottery 2021!
« on: December 02, 2021, 12:25:11 AM »
Username: Remiaw
Tickets: 4, 42
Your New Year's resolution: To be more responsible with my studies and make myself the time to learn to play the piano.

Senior Member Application / Re: Gamer_Kunjappan's Senior Member Application
« on: December 01, 2021, 12:51:30 PM »
Good luck! 👍

Winter 2021 / Re: Christmas Delivery Service - 2021!
« on: November 18, 2021, 02:14:35 AM »
In-game name: Remiaw
Do you agree to follow the gifting rules written above? Yes
What would you like for Christmas this year? cats, lots of cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 (in both mc & rl). But that's every year xD. This year I crave for copper. And a not-potato PC.

Server Announcements / Re: Changes to Towny Taxes
« on: October 03, 2021, 11:09:36 PM »
Good to hear these news regarding Towny <3 Now, if you let me some comments on them...
At the moment many towns have set their plot taxes for their residents to zero. While this is great for the residents, this is unfortunately not really how towns or cities work. By doing this, we are removing a massive feature of what the towny plugin can offer us. With this update, we encourages town owners to set taxes for the use of the plots.
Asides from the fact that I'm defender of the idea that taxation is theft, I'm really glad to hear this as, in my experience, had to set taxes to zero due to competition with other towns that lowered their taxes too, and also to not have to deal with newcomers who didn't raise enough to keep their plot for even a couple days (not that I don't like to, it's just that I'm less active nowadays). For sure, you can't break even a town if a) your residents move to other towns or b) your residents live in your town for free.
These changes will result in doubling or even tripling the upkeep of a town, hitting Gotham the hardest.
Such consideration for Gotham lmao I wonder whether the calculations were done after or before defining the new policies *cof* *cof* (just kidding).
YASS! Just by reading the title it was a big yes to me. tytytytyty <3
As we are wanting to use this feature, blatant plot bridges to claim other areas will be dealt with. Blatant in this case is where towns have claimed areas outside of their vicinity. Towns should use outposts going forward for these. Any plot bridges will be dealt with, and is up to Senior Staff judgement. We have highlighted some towns "guilty" of this and we shall be discussing it with them.
I guess, if there were people already managing a way to get their outposts, then just implement the function. It is better for the database than having a lot of claiming and unclaiming of plots from that method, if I'm not wrong.
Key aspects for outposts are the following stats;
3 - The maximum distance from your town plots is 50 plots
Back in the day when I had a neighboring town very close to mine, I noticed there were parts of my town where I couldn't move my spawn. By checking where I could, I reached a value for minimum distance between towns of ~80 chunks (the only way to confirm this is if our senior admins are so generous to check this against server config files). What I mean with this is that there's huge amounts of Kattalox land that becomes unusable because it's too far for most towns to claim it, but too near to them for other towns to claim it. I understand there's towns with policies such as "no want anyone to build closer than 1 km from my town" (ahem, Tranquila) and that's ok, but also I had an experience where a bunch of guys made a wonderful castle at just 25 chunks from my town and couldn't claim it so had to go away and start over, and another similar experience with long time fellows of this server starting (a castle again) in a plain north of Cherry Town, but this occasion being more prudent (having just a wall done) to check if they could claim it (obviously, if I'm telling this, they couldn't). This last time there was no dynmap, so I relied on memory to guide them to a place I knew was far enough from any town. Third example I can think of is the town of Arcadia, when I found they couldn't claim their base, I managed to find for them the nearest spot, a couple chunks off a shore to the west -- eventually they made a pier to connect the spawn to their base.

So, this is a piece of data that can save frustation to so much people. I say there should be an easy way to check distance to nearby towns and possibility of claiming at any determined point in Kattalox, before planning to build or raising the money for it. Current ones are a) Check the dynmap, do math using the Pythagorean theorem, b) do /t list to check every town for its spawn location, again using the Pythagorean theorem, and hoping there are not 'not public' towns nearby as they don't reveal their location in /t <name>. Both methods need to know this value, ~80 chunks radius from any town homeblock (and I neither know how exact is that amount). c) is having $10k to do /t new <name>, but by that time, most people will have their bases already built there, having to abandon them if the command throws error.

Apart from this I requested, I think it'll be fine to lower the minimum distance between towns, as there's still a wide margin before problems between towns can arise, or to push the maximum distance for outposts up to the limit. Surely it will be interesting to even see agreements for shared spaces between neighboring towns (nvm already exists one: Gotham and Faygo Dreams have a bridge that connect both yay! But currently it is unclaimed. I'll be writing about the claiming rule in a moment).
To allow outposts to something which could be worthwhile, we have changed the number of town blocks you get from each citizen from 16 to 18. This means that you will be able to claim 2 more plots per active resident. Be careful if your town shrinks, you do not want to be hit with the overclaimed upkeep!

2 - Plots that towns have overclaimed have an upkeep of $10.
Welp... I totally have a lot of plots overclaimed in my town, and with so few residents with me it's a situation I'll be in for long time. Except, I do some cleaning and get rid of all plots I have unused or those I consider not so worth of keeping. Priorities for keeping are I) resident plots in use, II) Valued buildings from former residents, III) Assets that must be protected against griefing (spawners, chests, etc.) and IV) Empty plots for new people that joins. I could enter in more detail about it, but what I want to make clear is that in my situation to break even I'll have to unclaim some built plots which then according to server rules, "1 c. You must claim things that you want protected." and "1 g. If you have the ability to claim, do so. We won't handle every grief case because you were too lazy to claim." those plots would get unprotected against anti-griefing rules, so what I'm asking is if I have some sort of guarantee that I won't be received with a no for response if any grefing event occurred on those plots, given my inability for claiming them again. Because, I still have to keep the priority parts of the town protected, and if the whole town falls to ruin, that won't even be possible.

(By the way, as I had to search for a copy of the full rules on the forum -https://sentinelcraft.net/forum/index.php?topic=256- and didn't want to open Minecraft only for that, I'd like for them to be accesible also in the site, I guess I remember it used to be that way. I don't even know if they're up to date.)

When I started to write this comment I expected it to be a fun little reaction to news which I feel go well with me and that I know are for the better of the gameplay, and then I ended up realizing details which raised some concern in me so I finished issuing demands that I hope are not too much.  As always, I'll be hearing your comments on this.

The 1.17.1 update is awesome... except if you couldn't try it out yet. That might have happened if you, like me, have a toaster computer that is 'not up to the standards of today'. In this tutorial for Windows 7/8/10, I'll show you how to make it able to run the newest version of Minecraft, because, as the saying goes:
"It's still good!"
                                 Homer Simpson
tl;dr - We are going to run Minecraft using a software graphics renderer - Mesa3D - as opposite of the usual hardware rendering it performs.
DISCLAIMER: This method is totally legal and does not go against the EULA of Minecraft. The links provided are to the official distributors of the utilized software, which are free for personal use. Also, having a system-wide installation of Java has some security concerns, so, if you're overly worried about your privacy, this method may not be for you.
It is also worth mentioning that you may notice some to serious frame rate dropping, as software rendering is way slower than hardware rendering, depending on your computer specifications.

  • Install the latest version of Java (SE 16.0.2) downloading from here: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jdk16-downloads.html
    Take note if your system is 32-bit or 64-bit to choose the right version, you can check it going to My Computer/This PC > right click in empty space > Properties, at System section. Also, take note of the folder in which Java is installing - default is "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16.0.2".
    From 1.17, it uses the latest, 16.0 version of Java so, if you used to play Minecraft since old versions, you may have installed version 8, which also won't run Minecraft. In this case, you may need to uninstall it first.
    Obviously, if you already had installed Java 16 on your system, you can skip this step.
  • Download Mesa3D for your system version (32-bit or 64-bit) from here: https://fdossena.com/?p=mesa/index.frag
    Open the downloaded zip folder, extract the opengl32.dll file and paste it inside Java's "bin" folder (again, default route is "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16.0.2\bin")
  • Open the Minecraft launcher (yes, with the official also works), go to "Intallations", create a profile you will use for 1.17.1, expand the "More options" section, and in "Java executable" paste the recently installed Java's path, which by default is "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16.0.2\bin\javaw.exe" - or if you decide to choose an existing profile, you can find this option going to the profile's [...] menu and clicking "Edit".
    This is the way of telling Minecraft to not use the built-in version of Java it has for itself, but to use the new one.
And that should be it! Now you can at least try the new features while you plan the budget for your new pc so you don't have to throw away your perfectly working computer ^u^. Please leave in the comments if this was useful to you or if having any doubts or if any step needs clarification. Happy update!  :gl:

Moderator Application / Re: Moderator Application: evzntv
« on: April 27, 2021, 10:06:17 PM »
Congrats fellow 👍

Moderator Application / Re: Nota's Mod application
« on: April 10, 2021, 01:36:19 AM »
Congrats! 👍

Special Application / Re: Special Application: evzntv
« on: March 27, 2021, 01:31:52 PM »
Congratulations fellow!

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