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Messages - keyboardmydude

Pages: [1]
Admin Application / Admin App
« on: April 20, 2020, 06:41:56 PM »
- What is your in-game name? keyboardmydude

- Current Rank? Member

- How long have you been on the server? around 10 mins

- How long have you been a Moderator? never been mod

- What is your main specialization that stands out and can benefit the server? i have alot of experience of being staff mostly dev and manager but it says i cant apply for dev it is not their but i have been staff on alot of other server

- Is there any Staff member that suggested you to apply to admin? no i was  gonna apply for dev but its not there

- What experience do you have being a Moderator/Admin? alot i have been admin and mod for 2 years on a server i was beetter at dev though but i know what it takes to be a good staff member

- If you have had previous experience, what servers did you moderate? I have moderated a server that is skyblock only skripted i was admin/head-admin on it and i was really good at my job it was peopular they had to shut it down it was called mc.blitz.com

- What plugins are you familiar with?npc fast world edit multiverse voidworld and more

- Are you currently staff on any other servers? yes i am

- Additional Information: no

Pages: [1]