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Messages - Arya

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Origin / Re: Proposal: Nether Hub Proposal
« on: July 01, 2022, 05:34:25 PM »
Rules and regulations for the Committee of Nether Infrastructure

1. Joining the Committee:

    a. Applications will be opened as soon as the post has been made under this topic.

    b. The committee will be under the supervision of certain Origin Committee Members acting as chair, these being Francias assisted secondly by Quazymoodo. Just as these Committee Members oversee and lead the progress of the project, a member, or a group of members of choice will also assist in the management of the nether hub's progress, in all aspects including construction and design.

    c. After a concrete group of players have been formed to start the construction of the nether hub, voting amongst the community will take place wherein players will be able to vote for a leader to help manage ideas and unity alongside the Origin Committee Member's say.

2. Road Design Cooperation and Completion:

    a. Initial road designs and ideas will be drafted quietly by the builders within the community. A minimum of 2 to 3 or more designs must be created in order to validate the vote. Afterwards, unified road designs will be posted and voted on in the forums where options will be open for a time period of 72 hours. In order to pass as the final design, the selected option will require two-thirds of overall votes. Failure to meet this requirement however will result in either the extension of the voting period, or the designs being resigned and reworked on as chosen by the committee.

    b. Players may come together to form groups or just simply remain as individuals to brainstorm ideas and finalize designs. After at least 50% of the committee have contributed in submitting a design, a final 24 hour period will commence where last minute responses may be quickly wrapped up and submitted. After all submissions can be finally accounted for, a poll will be created in the forums where members of Origin may be able to actively contribute and vote on a design of their choice.

3. The Nether Hub and Road Networks.

    a. The committee plans on relocating the nether spawn portal's current location to y level 109 in order to coordinate the paths and hub together easier. The hub will be created and formed around the radius of the 4x4 portal as it is elevated to its higher spot.

    b. As of now, the path will continue construction on level 109 as in its place already exists a current path that we can take advantage of and use as a foundation.

    c. Although there are paths directed in all cardinal directions, player portals may be scattered throughout any level that's most convenient to them where it can then be connected to the main path.

    d. The nether hub will only be limited to a radius of 20 blocks around the nether's 0,0 to leave room for creativity whilst limiting space being consumed.

    e. Just as mentioned above, the paths will extend 650 blocks to all cardinal directions in order to hit the border and open room for players to explore. Similarly, diagonal roads may also be implemented in the case that the construction of the main roads have been resolved.

4. The Gathering and Donation of Materials.

    a. Gathered & donated materials will be temporarily stored in the overworld's 0,0 for as long as the project progresses. Storage will be organized through an assortment of labeled chests, strictly only for the construction of the nether hub. Committee members are free to take and donate materials as long as it directly benefits the progression of the nether infrastructure project. As soon as construction has finished, all trace of committee storage will be erased and the overworld's 0,0 will be returned to how it was.

    b. The task of gathering materials within the committee are assigned to players interested in contributing to the project without having to sacrifice too much time or skill. Although members may be assigned to material gathering tasks, the committee is open to accepting donations from all players regardless of association, whether or not they may be in other projects, or none.

5. Handling of Complaints and Disputes.

    a. Any complaints and disputes may be taken firstly to the Origin committee for deliberation. In an instance that the individual may feel unsatisfied with the committee's resolution, the dispute may be appealed to the presiding council for second deliberation.

    b. Complaints, suggestions, and other insights of the like will be able to make its way to the Origin committee through the use of forms used to keep anonymity, or through direct messaging and interaction with any of the committee members, where it will then be subject of discussion for solution. Appealing to the council will be the same way.

The Nether Hub Committee's mission and vision.

The committee, above all else, aims to create a network of nether highways connecting to all areas of interest in Origin's overworld in an organized and unified manner. The nether hub is intended to be safe and efficient, whilst also promoting easy navigation digestible even to new players in Origin.

    1. Just as stated previously in the context above, the nether hub and highways will be stationed specifically at level y 109 in order to fully benefit from the foundation of the paths that have already been constructed. The path will be made to be only 3 blocks wide across all roadways for safe travel of suitable size. The highway will stretch across all cardinal directions, possibly diagonal as well for 650 blocks. Though the roads to all directions are the committee's main focus for construction, smaller sections and roads diverting from the main pathways will also be made in order to accommodate for all the different portals of all the other settlements and bases.

    2. The nether hub committee is limited to construction only in the nether dimension, specifically in areas explicitly mentioned in the forum proposals that have been approved by the presiding council. As agreed by the Origin committee, the nether hub committee's jurisdiction of creativity and construction are only limited to the first 20 surrounding blocks of nether's 0,0 as required by the council. Similarly, roads of the nether highways are limited only to the original amount of blocks estimated by the origin committee, that being 650 blocks away from the nether's 0,0. Blocks and projects that push the set boundaries of the already established limits as originally dictated by the origin committee will be removed and adapted to accordingly.

    3. At the end of each road stemming in all directions, players will be allowed access to a portal that is one of 4, located in all corners of the world. These portals give players the opportunity to enter unexplored lands far from the touch of any player, serving almost as a vanilla random teleport to somewhere new. The committee aims to expand on this idea and give other players a new experience and a chance to start alone in a safe and swift manner through the use of the nether hub and its networks.

Origin / Proposal: Nether Hub Proposal ~ Accepted & Enacted
« on: June 18, 2022, 06:36:25 AM »
Name of Proposal: Nether Hub

Member(s) in the committee who support the proposal:

A short description of the proposal:
The proposed nether hub project is a project that aims to organize and improve on the current nether road networks, prioritizing both its functionality and visual appeal. The project places emphasis on the 0,0 nether portal as it serves as the main center and hub of the entire road network. The proposal aims to benefit the entirety of Origin, not only improving the playerbase's public transportation to all ends of the world, but also enabling players of all settlements and areas to connect their portals to one another in a much more organized and controlled manner. Some of the specific changes from this project that we intend to make are repurposing the current nether road systems, creating unified designs for the road network, enhancing the area around the 0,0 portal to create the hub, and possibly much more to come as the project continues to develop. With these changes implemented, the committee will be able to create notable differences within the traveling system of the nether in a way that will serve to be both incredibly efficient and visually appealing. Not only will the community help to pitch in ideas for the project's creation, but the community will also be the sole players who will bring this project to life. As it stands, the project doesn?t seem to negatively affect any player as the project only aims to make travel more efficient for everyone.

Reason for the proposal:
As a vanilla centered survival world, the element of cooperation is incredibly important amongst all players. Because of this, nether travel also becomes an essential part of Origin gameplay as travel between other bases and areas of interest becomes a necessity. However despite the integration of nether travel throughout all settlements, the Nether continues to be a consistently dangerous method of travel for all players, only causing more problems to arise. For most, nether travel can be confusing, daunting, and at times even deadly, especially to those entering the nether for the first time. For these many reasons, the Committee has come together to make their first decision in authority to prioritize the orchestration of the nether hub.

Additional Information:
In order to be able to bring the nether hub project to fruition, we will have to have a team of dedicated builders and volunteers who are willing to work together with us to create this tremendous project that will lay the foundation for future Origin projects.
We require tons of help from members who are willing to sacrifice their time and effort to help and pitch in. We welcome any member of Origin regardless of status to lend their time and effort to work together as little as it may be.

But before we are able to commence our plans, we also require the help of the community to vote for the approval of this project. If approved and accepted by the higher council, the committee will work to create a separate post addressing applications for the newest subcommittee that will be dedicated specifically to this nether hub project.
We, the committee, are just as excited as you to finally commence our plans. We ask that you give us a chance to show our dedication to our roles and vote for the approval of our nether hub proposal!
Thank you for taking the time to read, and thank you for voting  <3

Origin / Re: The First Origin Election!
« on: June 14, 2022, 06:58:37 AM »
Name: Arianity

Settlement (if applicable): Civilization

Why should you be elected as a member of the Origin Committee?

As the founder and leader of the biggest town in Origin, I believe that it is important that my voice can be heard and acted on as a Committee member. Throughout my time on the world, I've housed and aided a majority of the playerbase, created alliances and friendships with other settlements within the world, orchestrated the creation of farms and mob grinders public to all, and impacted the world in a way that I feel could be multiplied if given the opportunity of Committee. I am incredibly productive on the projects I have been making in Origin, and as of late have also created guidelines for my town to keep peace and organization. I am helpful, and I am always willing to listen to the needs of other players and do what I can to create a change that may positively impact every player around me. Ultimately I am sure that you will not regret voting for me, and I'm so very happy to serve our community!

What is one change you'd like to see enacted as part of the Origin Committee?

Firstly I would want to organize an area wherein players of Origin may voice their complaints, suggestions, or ideas to make the world a better place. Although any member may be on committee, the element of the community will never change, as their wants and needs will always be the most important.
Other than this important aspect, my other projects may be focused on a trading center at spawn for all players, roads both in the overworld and nether connecting to all settlements and areas of access, discussion on how PVP will be tackled, public farms, builds and commodities built nearby or around spawn for the convenience of all players, and hopefully more to come with the insight and cooperation of our community.

Additional Information:

Thank you for taking the time to read my application :S. As mentioned earlier, I'm incredibly ambitious and have lots of plans and ideas. I am very close to my towns people, and I feel that the fact that I am able to listen to the complaints directly from the source will enable me to act on them in a way that benefits everyone in a way that other players may not be able to. I promise that you will not regret voting for me, and so I would like to thank everyone who has supported me and encouraged me to come so far. I love and value every one of you. Thank you for reading my application  <3

Origin / Civilization Guidelines
« on: June 13, 2022, 01:57:04 PM »

With the addition of Sentinel's new world Origin, the opportunity for cooperative gameplay has given rise to the appearance of multiple new groups within the world. One of the biggest groups in the world of Origin being a band of players under the town title of Civilization.

With Civilization being such a bustling village with so many diverse players, ideas, and projects, a guideline of rules must be set in place in order to keep peace and organization from within.

New members of Civilization and those interested in joining will be directed to this post as a guideline for do's and dont's in the community. This post has been made specifically to cater to the needs of the town. Thank you for taking the time to read, citizen or not.


- 01. All Origin rules apply.
- a. Self-Explanatory. Please refer to this post on the world's rules: http://sentinelcraft.net/forum/index.php?topic=10936.0

- 02. Civilization is a peaceful community.
- a. The actions of individual members against other groups of players do not represent the stand of the community as a whole
- b. Civilization is peaceful, and has plans on creating alliances with other bigger groups of players, as well as the entire playerbase of Origin. Any act of violence or PVP is separate from the identity of Civilization.

- 03. Respect the privacy of other members.
- a. Those that choose to live within the community are still entitled to privacy and space. Unless you've been explicitly granted access to enter private builds and homes, we highly discourage you enter and explore them, much more open chests and poke around in items.

- 04. Items other than those in the communal area are private.
- a. Everything placed inside communal chests are open for anyone, citizen or not, to take and share. Unless you plan on sharing with the whole community, we advise you not to place anything inside you aren't donating.
- b. Randomly poking around in chests outside of the communal center is prohibited.
- c. Taking items from private chests, and replacing them with other items of similar value without first consulting the owner is not allowed.

- 05. Sharing is caring.
- a. While the communal items are open to everyone, we encourage that you make an effort to replenish stocks as multiple other people use these items as well.
- b. Replanting farm land and repopulating animals are a must when consuming said resources. Other people need these materials just as much as you do.

- 06. Builds can be made without the need for explicit permission within most circumstances.
- a. Members are encouraged to be creative and build homes and projects around the lot as long as it does not directly interfere with future plans for the community.
- b. Although explicit permission is not needed to create builds and develop projects, having a member of authority within the town know about said projects is encouraged so that it may be accounted for.
- c. Civilization relies heavily on trust and better judgement. Builds are made freely because we trust that all builds are appropriate and have been made with good intention.

Clarifications and other specific circumstances may be handled with the help of Arianity or others.

Thank you for your time, and Welcome to Civilization!

- Arianity

Winter 2021 / Re: Christmas Delivery Service - 2021!
« on: November 23, 2021, 11:03:03 AM »
- In-game username: Arianity
- Do you agree to follow the gifting rules written above? Yes
- What would you like for Christmas this year?
Preferrably? 1 Million dollars both both in game and irl.
Realistically? all I really want is some heartfelt messages  :love:

Moderator Application / Re: ItsThorn's Moderator Application
« on: May 28, 2021, 05:19:54 PM »

Admin Application / Re: Ace's Admin Application
« on: April 21, 2021, 12:01:39 AM »
Goodluck ace!! youre great  <3 <3

Moderator Application / Re: Nota's Mod application
« on: April 06, 2021, 11:55:25 PM »

Special Application / Re: Special Application: evzntv
« on: March 25, 2021, 12:08:29 AM »
Congrats  :party: <3

Special Application / Re: Special Application: evzntv
« on: March 21, 2021, 11:59:42 PM »
Good luck ^^  <3

Senior Member Application / Re: WarblingHeart8's SM Application
« on: March 18, 2021, 09:10:59 AM »
Goodluck!  :love: <3 <3

Moderator Application / Re: Aatif's Mod Application
« on: March 14, 2021, 04:23:03 PM »
Goodluck!!! I believe in youu, you can do this :D  <3 <3

Feature/Plugin Requests / Re: PostalService Alternative
« on: March 03, 2021, 03:00:33 AM »
Looks really cute and functional. Would be a cool add

Gotham / Re: Map Arts come to Gotham!
« on: March 02, 2021, 02:08:37 AM »
The building looks just as amazing as your town woww  :love: :love:

Goodluck on the business! <3

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