In Game Name: King_fat_hamm
In-Game Rank: [SM] Senior Member, architect in Faygo
Town Rank you are applying for: Assistant
How often do you vote? I try to vote most days, and whenever im active.
What contributions have you made towards the town? I am architect, i gave the UFO final as a town, i have built several buildings, such as the Gotham/Faygo bridge, sweatys tower etc. i have always followed orders when commanded by a superior rank and town member and when Faygo is in need
Why should you be promoted to town staff? I believe with my previous leadership experience, and with my strict loyalty to Faygo I would be able to serve the town the best and be a great contribution to Faygo society.
Additional information. i am applying for assistant, but I can also see myself applying for co-mayor in the near future, thankyou for your time and consideration