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Messages - Keith Sparticus

Pages: [1]
Non-Minecraft Topics / Re: Migasian for dummies!
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:18:33 AM »
hmmm....this sounds just about right :I

Non-Minecraft Topics / Re: Your First Time...
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:44:54 AM »
Tell Us A List Of Your Firsts i.e.
Breaking a bone -   Never, unless you count a fracture
Going on a date  - Never happened, probably never will
Working - 3 years of age. My parents did not  tolerate lazy children, we grew up fast and were raised to be self reliant.
Job wise: 16 years old working for family owned restaurant.
Getting an F - Never, unless you count a teacher's screw up as one that was supposed to never happen. 
You went on an airplane - Hasn't happened yet. Everyone in the family except me has rode/flew a plane
You drove a car ( golf carts work for the younger players) When I was 6 years old. We were raised and trained to be self reliant. 
Sleep over - Never had any. Never really made much friends and guest werent really allowed over.
Person you talked/texted to today - My Little Sister
Time Over Seas - 3 years of age traveling and visiting/staying with family across the world. (germany, russia, aussie, etc)
Time you played a video game - I mostly watched my teenage uncle play games for a few years before we played a multiplayer combat racing game at the age of 14. (kicked his butt!)
You won at bowling - never, I dislike bowling
Pets - 2 years of age. It was this awesome kitty named pooh-bear who took great care of us. (always treated us like we were her kittens o-o)
Best friend - I was 4 years of age when I made my first and only friend before we both moved away. Still remember him to this day. Hope to run into him someday.
Reading a book past 500 pages - 6 years old. No friends but plenty of books in a private library results in that you know.
Kiss - hasn't happened yet, probably will never
Detention - never happened
Breaking a valuable - hasn't happened...yet
Sport - 10 years old playing golf
Going to play paintball/airsoft - hasn't happened yet, will happen eventually

Pages: [1]