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Messages - Elfsmelf

Pages: [1]
Monthly Voting Prize / Re: July's Monthly Voting prize!
« on: July 01, 2014, 02:43:55 AM »
What exactly is a stick of doom? A stick with crazy enchants?

Everything Else / Re: EULA and Sentinel Craft
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:09:34 AM »
True, but it is just an example that I have used, and unfortunately more often than not children find a way

Everything Else / EULA and Sentinel Craft
« on: June 07, 2014, 08:40:37 AM »
Some of you may have heard about announcements from Mojang in relation two its End User License Agreement 

If you have not heard about it here are some useful links you can use to find out more info:



If you don't want to pour over all of this information, here is a basic overview of what has happened

- Most servers offer donator packages, which give players access to certain usually hard to attain items
- The problem is some larger servers are offering extremely expensive donation ranks in excess 10,000 dollars
- Children are spending money to buy these packages usually from their parents credit card. Mojang has been receiving many complaints about this but has not, until now, done anything about it.
- Mojang has now stated (in an effort to stop the problem of complaints about unsuspecting parents paying large sums of money) that it is enforcing what has already been stated in its End User License Agreement:

The one major rule is that you must not distribute anything we?ve made. By ?distribute anything we?ve made? what we mean is ?give copies of the game away, make commercial use of, try to make money from, or let other people get access to our game and its parts in a way that is unfair or unreasonable?. So the one major rule is that (unless we specifically agree it ? such as in brand and asset usage guidelines) you must not:

    give copies of our Game to anyone else;
    make commercial use of anything we?ve made;
    try to make money from anything we?ve made; or
    let other people get access to anything we?ve made in a way that is unfair or unreasonable.

?and so that we are crystal clear, what we have made includes, but is not limited to, the client or the server software for our Game. It also includes modified versions of a Game, part of it or anything else we?ve made.

So the problem is by providing donator packages server owners are " making commercial use of anything we?ve made and Taking money from anything we have made"

The reason Mojang hasn't enforced this is kind of obvious - without donation perks, donations would decrease significantly and servers would not be able to run for very long without being shut down.

However in the last three years the problem of excessive donations and angry parents has reached such a level that Mojang has decided to do something about this. It has said that it disagrees with the use of donations which allow players to gain certain items.

So that's the background info, I can't really explain it very well so I suggest you go to the YouTube video...

The reason I am talking about this is I am worried about the implications this will have on Sentinel Craft. If someone could answer that would be really cool. I personally believe that it will have little to no effect because (Good work team SC) most donations are plugin based. Mob Disguise etc. which is not really Mojang's intellectual property.

But you know thats law stuff. Kind of boring, and I am not a lawyer by the way so I have probably said things wrong.


EDIT: I do not mean by any of this that SC has done anything wrong, I am not trying to point the finger or anything like that. I love this server I would never mean that sort of thing. I am just wondering if this change effects SC, that is all

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