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Author Topic: I need to state my case please  (Read 10165 times)


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Re: I need to state my case please
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2014, 02:58:32 PM »
I voted for your reinstatement as well.

That was before.

I stand by what Elle said, you have been inconsiderate and demanding even when you have been dead wrong. I truly hope you reevaluate how you come across to people, maybe you have good intentions and just a piss poor way of conveying them. Or maybe you are just a jerk.

I hope this opens your eyes.
-- Fedgar


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Re: I need to state my case please
« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2014, 11:43:21 AM »
How dare you how dare you....

How dare you talk to me like that fine fine yes I was pushing it asking for appologises I was annoying some but you just talked to me in that statement like I was 6 please don't talk to me like I'm in pre school I don't appreciate it

Thanks for the words of advice and I will never be joining this server back because

A. I was never in banned I am still banned for the same reason as before so there was never a point where I was unbanned
B. Some people are helpful but some are just completely rude and non helpful
C. The way I have spoken to in this forum posts actually saddens me on How a person can be treated
D. The fact that u guys are taking this SOOO seriously like it's real life

So my advice to people acting like we're in a town civilisation you need to turn off the computer go outside and do something because acting like this is SOOO serious is kinda pathetic sorry if this offends anyone

Everyone on the server have a great time because I don't wanna join this bad place again it has only brought me doubt and sadness of what Thi sell has turned into so yea

I fully am aware on some people may be offended or upset by this post but I am truly sorry for that it just had to be said  so yea don't expect me back I've found anger sever with nicer people


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Re: I need to state my case please
« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2014, 01:10:03 PM »
How dare you how dare you....

How dare you talk to me like that fine fine yes I was pushing it asking for appologises I was annoying some but you just talked to me in that statement like I was 6 please don't talk to me like I'm in pre school I don't appreciate it

Thanks for the words of advice and I will never be joining this server back because

A. I was never in banned I am still banned for the same reason as before so there was never a point where I was unbanned
B. Some people are helpful but some are just completely rude and non helpful
C. The way I have spoken to in this forum posts actually saddens me on How a person can be treated
D. The fact that u guys are taking this SOOO seriously like it's real life

So my advice to people acting like we're in a town civilisation you need to turn off the computer go outside and do something because acting like this is SOOO serious is kinda pathetic sorry if this offends anyone

Everyone on the server have a great time because I don't wanna join this bad place again it has only brought me doubt and sadness of what Thi sell has turned into so yea

I fully am aware on some people may be offended or upset by this post but I am truly sorry for that it just had to be said  so yea don't expect me back I've found anger sever with nicer people

1. First no it's mixed up How dare you speak back so rudely
2. We all get outside and get fresh air? And i also recommend you before you posted above to go outside and get some air ._.
3. There are rules set in place to keep the community balanced
4. We are talking to you seriously as this is a ban appeal
5. Maybe "YOU" should respect the others around you

Most important of all
6. Get outside and get some air and manners ._.


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Re: I need to state my case please
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2014, 03:54:27 PM »
We never got a chance to unban you, as you got yourself banned again.

Don't act like you're six and I will not treat you like you are six.

Plain and simple, you'll never be joining this server because you are banned.

Speak to people with respect and you'll get it in return. You were a dick to people, so we'll be dicks to you. You were treated the exact same as you treated us. Funny how that works.

I'm amused that you do not think we are real people. Maybe that is why you're so obnoxious.

I'm also amused that you think some people are unhelpful and rude. I'll take a wild guess and say they are unhelpful and rude because they do not do what you want them to do.

Enjoy your new server full of griefers and obnoxious children.