- In-Game Name: coolheartedepic
- Name to use on Avatar: CoolHeart
- Item or Block to use on the Avatar: Diamond Sword, Gold helmet
- Should I use your current skin? Yes
Say YES or NO on the following questions:
- Do you want to change Background Color?
- If yes, say the color: Yes. Dark Green
- Do you want to add a new Items or blocks to the avatar?
- If yes, how much and which?
- Do you want to add any mobs to the avatar?
- If yes, how much and which? Cow
- Do you want to request a specified action?
- If yes, explain it: Leaning on the cow with left arm on top of cow (Left arm if you face the avatar) The left leg of the avatar crossed in front of right leg and the right arm with the sword pointing into the ground like a cane
Additional Information: I have the money its just all in signs