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Author Topic: ☠ Red Dot Asylum - A horror story ☠  (Read 4582 times)


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☠ Red Dot Asylum - A horror story ☠
« on: October 17, 2016, 02:31:04 AM »
Hey guys, Halloween is coming and I can't think of anything better to encourage these festivities that a small horror story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did to write it  ;D Don't forget to read it at night and alone in your room! :P

WARNING: Some of audiovisual materials used in this story can be considered too "scary" for some viewers. If you are one of these people, I recommend you to just read the text and don't click on the links.


I'm Dr. Arthur Halloway, I was the chief of the mental hospital known as "Red Dot Asylum", I want to warn the world about the atrocities that took place in this place. This hospital is not human, not what I initially imagined. My story begins two years ago, before coming to this terrible situation: writing on a piece of paper with one hand and recording my voice while trying to reach more people ... but I think it is impossible. The cube is near, I can feel it in the air. It lurks. It wants to reach me as fast as possible ... because only I know the truth.

If someone hear these recordings, please do not waste time and run away from here. This place is no longer safe. It never was it.

# Recording 1

- Doctor, don't you believe that the new hospital will be a success?
- Of course I do, Evelyn. I have financed part of it. These are the best years to have a mental hospital, also I have a great team of professionals.
- I'm sure about that, but what I don't understand is why it has to be in a place so far away ... I mean, was it necessary to be so "hidden"? We are in the middle of the valley.
- Patients need a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere, dear. Could it be that you forgot our motto? "The environment is your best friend." We have many outdoor activities planned for our patients. Believe me, this will be a resounding success.

# End of recording 1

I never imagined that opening a mental hospital would be so problematic. The first day you start with all the good faith of the world,  you want to help and heal everyone you can. Gradually, you're realizing that maybe you can not save everyone ... Evelyn learned it from the worst possible way.

# Recording 2

- Doctor, why you are recording everything we do?
- Dear Evelyn, you never know when you need to take a look at the past and learn from our mistakes.
- We are professionals with over 10 years of experience, I do not think we commit so many mistakes.
(A loud noise is heard)
- What the hell was that?
- I'm not sure, doctor. Apparently came from the room 105. Let me call other doctors, a patient may have been hurt.
- We must not waste time, go away, I'll go see what happened ...
(Arthur cross the corridor and reaches the room, repeatedly knocks on the door but nobody answers. He tries to open the door, but is tightly closed)
- Damn ... Hey, are you all right? (He knocks on the door even harder, the sound becomes more intense inside and heard a voice: "... best friend"). Stay calm! We'll open the door!.

(The camera is set aside on the ground, Dr. Halloway kicks the door and it opens immediatly, the scene is frightening. A lifeless body lying on the ground, is half-naked and pale as paper. Arthur approaches and tries to give first aid. It's useless.)

- My God, what happened? Doctor, what happened?
- Evelyn, stay calm. Get away from here and check that the other patients aren't alarmed.

# End of recording 2

The days next to the "event" were hard for all the staff. Patient's necropsy showed mixed results. Maybe it was an overdose on medication, a technical mistake by a nurse, but the nurse in charge of the patient was Evelyn. I openly denied the possibility, it was ridiculous. Moreover, that did not explain the so loud and sharp sound that came from the room. Nothing made sense and the worst was that the situation affected Evelyn. It was not her fault, but she believed so.

# Recording 3

- Evelyn, it's been 6 months. I know you feel bad for the patient, even when the necropsy show that result, you're not guilty of anything. Some patients simply can't tolerate the medicine ... as a professional you know it.
- Doctor, my decision is made. I know you understand.
- Everyone here will miss your presence. Your position can't be filled so easily.
- Is the best for everyone, my performance dropped dramatically ... Don't make this harder.

(Evelyn leaves the hospital. Arthur goes to her room to finish the cleaning, it needs to be in good condition for the next nurse. Suddenly, reviewing the trash, he find an small disk with the initials "RDA 11").

- RDA? What is this?

# End of recording 3

The disc was not the only thing I found that day in the room. Nobody would have imagined what was in that disc. It was the last time I saw Evelyn and now I had many questions for her. The recording contained many scenes with her patients, scenes in which she helped them with therapy or just long conversations. The funny thing was that the recording began with the phrase "you never know when you need to take a look at the past and learn from our mistakes".

But definitely, the scenes with the patient from room 105 were the most unique.

# Recording 4

- Miss, you do not understand that I do not belong here.
- You are a patient in this hospital, we just try to help.
- No aid worth, we will all die. Even you miss ... Everest?
- Evelyn. And you need help, I'll see you leaving this place as healthy as possible. I promise.
- I do not want help, I just want you to give me my friend. I need it.
- Your "friend" is not real. It is part of your mental problem, which we are trying to solve.
- You do not understand, if you do not bring my friend ... he will come.
- Calm down, you only need another dose.
(Evelyn approaches him and injects a dose of medicine, but something is not quite right. The dose seems larger than indicated)
- Continue please, I want to see my friend?
- Tell me, how is your friend?
- It's cubic, red on the inside and wrapped in silver plates ...
- Silver plates ... I see ...
(Evelyn continues to dose)
- I almost see it ... it's coming ... my friend ...
- I think that's enough. So ... cubical, you tell me.
- And beautiful, red and silver with a thin black top layer. It makes me feel completely at peace. He is my friend. My only friend.

(The scene stops and makes a jump forward in time. The next scene is ... indescribable ).

#End of recording 4

I'm Dr. Arthur Halloway, I need you to believe me because what I saw was real. I need the help, I listen how is getting closer. This hospital is not safe anymore ... and the cube is not your friend...
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Re: ☠ Red Dot Asylum - A horror story ☠
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2016, 12:37:31 PM »
"This hospital is not human"

Neat story, though.  I hope some more people make these for the upcoming holiday.
"Yet there were no events surrounding this."
Salty af

Aureus Lunae

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Re: ☠ Red Dot Asylum - A horror story ☠
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2016, 03:57:13 PM »
It is an event to do so. Best gets a price.
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Re: ☠ Red Dot Asylum - A horror story ☠
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2016, 04:11:22 PM »
Nice story, gave me chills 😁


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Re: ☠ Red Dot Asylum - A horror story ☠
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2016, 04:14:59 PM »
I gotten spooked honestly. Very good
Se potete leggere questo, buon per te! Se non ? possibile, allora perch? stai mentendo?


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Re: ☠ Red Dot Asylum - A horror story ☠
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2016, 01:05:12 AM »

It's been a while since the incident with the patient from room 105 happened. Evelyn also left the asylum time ago. I burnt the disc that I had discovered in Evelyn's room. But once I saw it, the nightmares suddenly started... it was me in the middle of a patient's room. The only things near to me were a bed and a chest to save stuff inside.

It was dark... very dark, but after that a red light appeared in front of me. It was like a torch... but red. I don't know how that's even possible, fire is supposed to be yellowish or blue in cases of extreme heat, but... this torch was too red. Then I noticed the same material on the floor. Small and red dots appeared on it trying to reach me. I was shocked so I tried to go back and escape.

I can't describe the feeling of being chased by those red dots, but let's say that is painful enough to make you wish you were never born. The red dots going all over your skin, being in 2D so you can't take them off. Then when you're about to die and on your knees, you see it. The object that the patient described on the disc. A big red cube with silver on the sides ... the same material as the dots. It stares at me. It calls me... and I follow it. Trying to break that kind of "magic curse" I wake up, sweating and on the floor. Is the sixth time this week.

I didn't want to alarm the rest of the doctors so I said nothing about it. I mean, it's just a nightmare. The days continued in the asylum, the days became weeks and the weeks, months. Everything was back to normal or at least that's what it seemed to me. I was very wrong.

# Recording 6

- Doctor Halloway, there's a new medicine provider waiting for you at reception.
- Thanks, I'll go immediately.
(The recording shows how Dr. Halloway goes through the hall and focuses on a man with a long black coat).
- You must be the new provider. Tell me, good man, what do you have to offer?
- I have the solution to all your problems Mr. Halloway,
- Continue...
- The traditional medicine sometimes isn't enough to save your patients. That's why I have a new product for you. It's a handmade injection of my best knowledge on chemistry and medicine.
- Handmade... It doesn't sound professional enough.
-Believe me  Mr. Halloway. It's the best medicine so far. You won't regret this decision. No one did.
- I'll just buy a package then. By the way, what is the medicine called? It has no name on it.
- Nyarthoteplium. Nyarthoteplium Injection type A. I call it "N-Inj-A" or just Ninja.

End of Recording #6

I made a lot of mistakes in my life. But buying that package was the worst. I never realized it until we applied an injection on a patient. The results were destructive. I was alone with the patient in the room, everything was ok but suddenly the patient screamed and started to cry. I didn't know what to do, I called a nurse but it was too late. The patient just tackled me down and I hit the floor.
Then he just grabbed an injection and injected me violently while screaming "Help me".

I kicked him off of me and tried to go outside but all went dark. I wasn't able to feel my body for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity, a lot of images invaded my mind. It was too fast. Then I tried to see the area where the patient applied the injection. I was bleeding like if I were stabbed with a blade instead of a small needle.

I tried to clean myself but my hands were not responding. I saw how the wound just got bigger and noticed something that petrified me. What I thought was blood, was instead the red material of my nightmares. It went under my clothes so I removed them. When I saw my nude chest I was shocked. The red liquid became small solid cubes with silver on the sides, they were going under my skin drilling it. I saw it moving under the skin. I felt them on my ribs slowly burning the bones. The pain was unbearable. They were trying to reach my heart.

I was about to die when suddenly my vision failed, everything went black. All I heard in the distance was a voice repeating itself: "The cube is your best friend".
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 01:08:09 AM by DanteVentura »
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