I'd like to see skyblock return first. having seen the current state of the plugin and done some toying with it myself, I am aware it will take some time and fiddling to get the challenges set to what we had and setting configuration of the nether to what it needs to be. the default out of the box challenges are not self-sustaining, particularly bad is the green dye one, we had plain cactus for sand here in it's place before, I would hope great care is taken to ensure that progress can be attained though challenges alone without need of any server store as is so commonplace with implementations on other servers (really the old config was great). as for the nether, the default option on the popular version creates a stack of random nether blocks for the personal use of just the island resident the size of one chunk. I find this mode to be very depressing and undesirable. it took what I feel was entirely too long to figure out but on my own local test server but I was finally able to configure for a vanilla style nether. my preference would be for the vanilla style nether we had before, as this allows for a natural source of spawners, a lava source, a natural path for creation of beacons, and a way to interconnect islands over long distances without need of warps or other staff intervention.