Heya Sentinelcrafters,
For future projects on the server, we are looking for writers who are interested in working together with the Sentinel Craft staff.
We are looking for people with the following qualities/requirements:
- You are a donator or senior member.
- You can write in grammatically correct English.
- Preferably you have experience with writing (short) stories and have a good imagination
- You're used to working in groups and work well in a team setting.
In return you have a chance to work together with a very motivated team. Working on these types of projects with positive results will give you a head start if you ever decide to apply for a higher rank.
If you're interested and can find yourself in the requirements above, send me a private message on Skype. My contact info is: ferreiro93 (Yes without a 'j') and my display name is ''Tijmen''.