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Author Topic: Beach Party 2017  (Read 3821 times)

Aureus Lunae

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Beach Party 2017
« on: July 16, 2017, 09:13:47 AM »
Beach Party
The summer has started, and the temperature is rising higher and higher. And like last year, there will be a party at the beach. A special beach has been prepared, yet unlike last year, not all is yet completed.

The Beach Party is a place for everyone to relax, buy food & drinks, play games, swim and more. We will be providing good music, drinks and food for a price. For those who wants to sit at the beach, we provide parasols and beds. For those who want to be more active, come and play a game with us.

Beach Party Games
We have several games for you to play. You can find them out on the beach. Remember, we do try to make sure to provide the best entertainment for you during the beach party, but we cannot always guarantee that you will have fun. These games will be held at random, so make sure to check the beach frequently.

There are several dogs on the beach. These are not stray dogs, these are security dogs provided by several people. Anyone who kills a dog, will be excluded from the beach party unless they pay a 1000$ fine.

Also, there is a No Killing rule on the beach party. Anyone who even attempts to kill others here, will undergo the same punishment as killing a dog.

Those who are not allowed on the beach, we ask not to come. We will unleash the hounds on you if you somehow manage to get there.

Beach Party Time
The beach is officially open, but there are still several projects going on. If you do have an idea for a nice beach party game, you are free to discuss it with us and build it.

How to reach the Beach Party?
Those who have access to /warp, can use /warp Beach Party. Otherwise, these are warp signs in Hoster City. If you want a warp sign in your guild, you can request it and pay for it yourself. The following towns can request a warp sign to it:
Horizon, Excelsior
If your guild is not in the list, and you want a warp sign, contact one of the Hosters for a warp sign.

Food and Drinks pricelist

Hamburger: $10 (A Hamburger between two slices of bread)
Fries: $5 (3 Fries)
Chicken Nuggets: $15 (6 Chicken Nuggets)

Water: $5 (1 bottle of water)
Golden Moon: $10
Sex on the Beach: $10
Seaside Sunrise: $10
Summer Sangria: $10
Coastal Skies: $10
Limoncello Mojito: $10

Special Thanks
These people made it possible to get the beach party going.

We still need a lot of splash potions, namely Nightvision, Blindness and Nausea.

Banned from the Beach
In this list, I will declare the people who are not permitted to enter the beach, and the reasons why. If they are found on the beach, they are to be killed on sight. This is to ensure your own safety and fun.
Part of The Hosters

There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentleman.

Demons run when a good man goes to war.

So don't mess with me!


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Re: Beach Party 2017
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2017, 02:31:04 PM »
The beach looks good

We still need a lot of splash potions, namely Nightvision, Blindness and Nausea.

I made a double chest with night vision its at the beach. At the moment nobody can make blindness and nausea potions. You need alchemy 500 for that and at the moment Rhovanir is on top with 388.

Don't forget to claim the chests.
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Aureus Lunae

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Re: Beach Party 2017
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2017, 04:56:49 PM »
Just to make clear what every event is, here is the list.

Beach Volleyball - Disabled till /ball is back
Goal: Get the most points
Time Limit: N/A
Equipment: Sword with Knockback 2
Given Tools: None
Info: A ball is spawned in the air at one side. Hit it with your sword to get it to the other side. Does it land inside the marked area, you score a point, if it is out, your opponents get a point.

King of the Platform
Goal: Stand on the platform when the time ends.
Time Limit: 3, 5 or 7 minutes of pure chaos.
Equipment: Stick
Given Tools: Stick
Info: Knock others off the platform with a stick. You can return.

Melon Mash - Disabled due nobody able to make the potions.
Goal: Destroy Melons, avoid Pumpkins.
Time Limit: 30 seconds
Equipment: None
Given Tools: Melon Smasher
Info: You enter the stage and get total blindness for 22s and nausea. During that time, try to get as many melons as possible, while not taking down the Pumpkins. After the blindness is gone, you got 8s to continue getting as many as possible.

Rope Fight
Goal: Be the last man standing
Time Limit: N/A
Equipment: Stick
Given Tools: Stick
Info: Knock others off the fences with a stick. Don't fall off.

Goal: Be the last man standing
Time Limit: N/A
Equipment: Stick
Given Tools: Stick
Info: Knock others off the platform with a stick. Once off you are off.

Waterpolo - Disabled till /ball is back and the arena made.
Goal: Get the most points
Time Limit: N/A
Equipment: Sticks
Given Tools: Sticks
Info: A ball is spawned in the middle, or at one side. Your goal is to score. No armor is allowed here.
Part of The Hosters

There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentleman.

Demons run when a good man goes to war.

So don't mess with me!