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Author Topic: Golden Ticket Event!!!  (Read 2591 times)


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Golden Ticket Event!!!
« on: November 25, 2019, 08:03:29 PM »
You're Winner!

The Golden Ticket Event is here!

Hello all Sentinel's I have cooked up a special event for you and a chance to win 1Mill.
This Event will last from Nov, 25th to Dec, 25th and it will end on Xmas.
This Event takes place in Kattalox

1. Once you found one book you may not have another.
2. If you do find another you are to leave it for the next person and tell no one, That would spoil the event.
3. Soon as you find a ticket you are to mail me ingame. (serpyn) With the randomly generated number in the book.
4. If by the 20th there are more books to be found a hint will be posted here to help find the others.
5. If i serpyn am not ingame you can ask one of the staff to pm me on discord that one has been found or you can pm me directly on discord.
6. And last staff may not participate in this event :( sorry guys this one is for the members.

How to be a Winner!:
1. You must be one of the lucky 10 to find a golden ticket they are in a chest waiting to be found.
2. Once the event ends on the 25th of December aka xmas you and the other golden ticket finders will be entered into a drawing.
One person will be randomly picked to win the prize of 1Mill.
3. What happens if not all 10 tickets are found? It dose not matter the event will end as scheduled.

How to Find a Golden Ticket!  :/?
1. Isle of shrooms in a hat is where I'm at

2. West of Imerium beneath abandoned ruins, I swim in tidal waters

3. In my village there is but one higher, together we watch and "herm"

4. I floated away in a frozen ring and now lead a brigade of Titanic destroyers

5. In the mesa surrounded by color south of a town named Hell I slumber

6. Fire and Ice ne'er play nice, Fortuna in bright relieve against the night

7. Center, center, marketplace, on a hill of blue I leaf my clue

8. Look to the East like a troll 'neath a bridge that crosses a river that leads only to itself

9. From the most colorful town head to the sunrise, I'm getting a tan on the sand waiting for my ship to come in

10. By the docks of a once great city to the south I wait for you my friends

Good Luck and Happy Holiday's!

Special thanks to 7thMuse for coming up with the riddles.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 01:02:46 PM by serpyn »


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Re: Golden Ticket Event!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2019, 09:31:12 PM »
Five have been found

Eli #9
Eagler #7
Danny #8
madlifer #5
Mechaniix #1
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 11:12:26 PM by serpyn »


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Re: Golden Ticket Event!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2019, 10:15:34 PM »
Merry Christmas everyone! Here is an update on the riddles and ware to find the remaining Tickets! You have until 8pm us pacific time to find them. However many are found i will do a raffle at that time and update with the winner!.

2. I'm next to a orange swamp castle in a cave.
3. I'm literally in a village in a house on the mountain.
4. I'm in an iceberg donut.
6. I'm in a snow biome next to the only square of sand.
10. I'm by the docks of a town with a giant unfinished tree.


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Re: Golden Ticket Event!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2019, 06:26:08 AM »
Congratulations to the Golden ticket finders! and to thous who searched better luck next time.



Madlifer has 1 week to claim his prize if not a second winner will be randomly picked.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 06:33:16 AM by serpyn »