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Author Topic: 5zigreborn mod guide, by Oplegoman & Brenda  (Read 3062 times)


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5zigreborn mod guide, by Oplegoman & Brenda
« on: June 08, 2020, 01:34:34 PM »

A plague has struck the staff team, it looks like most of us are fighting with the 5zig mod to try and get it to work to filter out chat messages! Word goes some outside of the staff team would like to try it out as well, which is why we chose to open this up to the public with some modifications.

Warning: Ignoring certain chat messages and filtering them out is at your own risk. If you fail to answer staff this might lead to consequences. Players that are thinking about applying for staff in the future, know that ignoring or muting certain chats can negatively impact your chances.

Together, we set up this guide so you guys can easily copy-paste our chat filters and be free from all the spam!
You can download the mod here: https://5zigreborn.eu/downloads/ - drop it in your mods folder, this is pretty common knowledge stuff. If you have trouble with this, feel free to message any of us.

Lets start! (can be skipped if you want)
All settings that we are referencing to will be under Options>5zig mod. This is to make it the guide a little short and easier to read.

1. When the mod is installed fresh it adds so much clutter to the screen, some of this can be reduced in size or even removed.
Let's take a look at Customize display as this will allow us to remove some things from the screen.
For my setup, I removed potions and reduced the scale of stats and armour hud to 50%.

The easy way to disable everything except the second chat, something you are here for, is disabling "Show Mod: Off" on the first page, on the top left.
This disables the armour, potions, coordinates and all that other stuff. It doesn't disable the second chat though, something we are explaining in this guide.

2. Start looking at Server Options>2nd Chat.
This allows us to configure this chat to how we would like and even where we would like for it to show up. For this I have:
Opacity: 75% - Scale: 50%
I do not want this chatbox to be anywhere near as large as the main one. You're free to edit this to whatever you like, we suggest messing around with it!

3. Another thing which you might find annoying is the constant pop-ups about the Mojang login server! This can easily be turned off at Server Options> General>Mojang>Show Mojang Status.

4. Go ahead and mess around with the other settings once you have figured out all the 2nd chat excitement! Let's get started (:

Chat filtering

All things referenced below are done within Options>Server Options>Chat Messages Filter.
There are many ways this can be done and feel free to change and inform us of the better settings as we are still learning!

Chat Message Filters -> Add Message
At the title, you can type anything you want. We suggest repeating the filter at the top for an easy overview.

With the way we have gone with our filters, we have made the second chat the more secondary chat of information which,
if the server was busy, can safely be looked over in favour of the main chat which will contain all the chat messages alongside
any messages you want to keep in the main chat.

As for the action, we put everything on "print to 2nd chat", so you can scroll up to double-check something.
It is up to you if you want to ignore certain messages and remove them completely from your screen.

Here is an example of how it should look after you put in everything, notice the 2nd chat should be on (default: ignore)

Joining & Leaving Server Messages

Nobody likes to see someone join 20 million times because their internet is unstable, here's how to fix it!
Joining the server:

Chat Message: *joined the server!*
Exceptions: (staff names, particular friends you would like to see joining - a list of staff members is at the bottom of the post for easy copy and pasting

Leaving the server:

Chat Message: *left the server.*
Exceptions: (staff names, particular friends you would like to see leaving -  a list of staff members is at the bottom of the post for easy copy and pasting)

This again can be annoying when there are many players on the server, you can filter this however you like. It's just nice to have, you know?

Players going AFK.
Chat Message: *is now AFK.*
Exceptions: Friends, staff members - this is totally up to you.

Players coming back from being AFK.
Chat Message: *is no longer AFK*
Exceptions: Friends, staff members - this is totally up to you.

To mute the AFK messages for yourself, use the following chat filters:

Chat Message: *You are now AFK.*

Chat Message: *You are no longer AFK.*

Another frustrating one is that of vote spam and this is easily filtered out! This can be done for other people voting and also the extreme spam when voting yourself!

Other people votes
Chat message: *100$*10 tokens*

Your own votes
Chat Message: *$100 has been added*

Chat Message: *[Sentinel]* Edit Complete.*

Chat Message: *[Sentinel]* <your own username>*

Chat Message: *[Sentinel]* Tokens*

Repeated Broadcasts (Think we all know them now)
As most of us have been playing for a long period of time and already frequent all these places, this could be something to help reduce the chat spam:

Chat Message: *Keep in touch with us by checking our forums*

Chat Message: *www.sentinelcraft.net/forum*

Chat Message: *Check our page and like us on Facebook!*

Chat Message: *https://www.facebook.com/MCSentinelCraft*

Chat Message: *Make sure to /vote to support the server!*

Chat Message: *This month's prize:*

This one is one of the optional ones and could use it if you find auction spam to be annoying
or just don't really engage with auction often enough to want to keep upto date with new additions:

Chat Message: *(zAuctionHouse)*
Exceptions: (could add specific blocks or items you want to be notified for)

Changing Worlds
When you change worlds, your balance pops up which can be quite annoying if you are staffing around & changing worlds quite often. To filter this out, add the following chat filter:

Chat Message: *Your balance in this world*

Sometimes when there are multiple minigames going on, this can quickly fill the chat. It's even worse when you are not interested at that time with the minigame.
I would only use these ones if you do not want to be notified of minigames. The following will help with that:

Chat Message: *{prefix}*

Wild West
Chat Message: *[WildWest]*

Platform Pvp
Chat Message: *[PlatformPvp]*

Fly Pvp
Chat Message: *[FlyPvp]*

(More shall be added here once I see more people play minigames, as people playing minigames goes in waves)

We all know that placing 20 million chests at once spams your chat and can be annoying, why not move this all to your 2nd chat as well?

Placing a chest/furnace etc
Chat Message: *Created a*successfully*

Unlocking lwc stuff
Chat Message: *removed lock on the*

Unregistering stuff (by removing the block)
Chat Message: *unregistered.*

Useful list of stuff for copy and pasting
List of staff members for exceptions (their full usernames) - this list also has some common names for impersonators so you see when someone is trying to join as staff!

AMNOTBANANAAMA, AceAlmighty16, charactername111, Oplegoman, Zarosi, HvPanda,
BrendaxNL, Brenda, migas94, Migas, Miggles, Fedgar_Lurch, Fedex_Truck, PaulinaCarrot,
Toxic_Demon93, Toxic, Demoncrusher, KibikiKibble, JeffEatsPie, ElizaPalooza, Eliza, bugsy12,
Annu_Mannu67, Silver_Dragoon1, Creepy_Crawlers, Fjerreiro, ninja5132, RogueFriday, FafaKuku, Devereux

If you'd like to see a list of friends Brenda uses (mostly people that are active at the moment), please message her on discord or in-game.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 01:37:49 PM by BrendaxNL »
Smile more, it suits you (:


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Re: 5zigreborn mod guide, by Oplegoman & Brenda
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2020, 05:41:06 AM »
Thank you Brenda and OP! I was about to start using 5zig and didn't know much about it so this guide will be quite helpful 😊