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Author Topic: "Days of our SentinelCraft"  (Read 2936 times)


  • Just Some Guy
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"Days of our SentinelCraft"
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:56:47 AM »
Okay so for those of you who do not know, there has been a bit of a conflagration on the server. Its not a huge issue at this point, but its unfair to keep people in the dark. Depending on what you have heard, and who you have spoken to you may have heard different things.

Lets clear a few things up shall we?  :D

"The Situation"

Okay, so as many of you know Kami and her Boyfriend Niliscus have quit the server.
The reasons they are quitting the server are many and varied, I have been told it is because Nil feels like an outcast, and because Kouen has had issues with the way I have handled things in the past.

The most recent and well documented is when she accused me of giving bad information to a player. The way it was expressed was so uncharacteristic of her that multiple people thought it wasn't her on her account. After tracing the IP it was found that Niliscus had been accessing her Skype. It was denied that Niliscus had been the one using Skype at the time, but there has been no proof of that. Either way, proof or no proof we decided, as it states in our rules that "Staff shall maintain clear lines of communications at all time and keep server correspondence private." Since this was an obvious breach of that, we asked her to please make her Skype account private. Since for whatever reason she has, it was decided that she cannot keep her main Skype account private, we compromised by asking her to make a separate private chat for server use. Thus ending the problem at hand...or so we thought. It was brought up to me today that this was unfair of me to ask her keep server matters confidential. Which leads us to the next segment.

"The Exodus"

Them quitting may come as no surprise to you (this isn't Nil's first time quitting) and depending on who you have spoken to, Kouen has expressed similar sentiments.
Sad as it is that they wish to leave, we will of course respect their wishes to do so. We simply want to make sure that when they leave all matters have been handled in a calm and collected manner. People often react poorly when they are emotional, and fail to realize that if they collapse a town without any warning it can have far reaching impacts.

Things such as:
Removing a players' ability to access their own builds. (In the case that they used /tspawn as rather then /sethome for their plot)
Removing a town can also cause all the signs to pop, which means all the players who had shops, or items/money stored in their signs would have lost them.
A few other lesser problems not really worth taking up space on what is becoming a long post.

So since there are a host of ramifications for what is in essence a glorified door slam. We stepped in and decided to not allow it to happen. Safeguarding players items/ builds is our primary concern. In the next few days we will set aside time to make sure everything is transferred out / removed in a neat and orderly manner.

It was never our intention to try and stop anyone from leaving, why would we want people to stay who obviously do not want to? We just want to make sure it is done in a way that won't cause undo suffering.

"The Resolution"

It is up to you to decide what happens next. If any one has questions and would like more clarification. My Skype is on 24/7 (But contrary to popular belief... I do sleep. And have a grown-up job so you might have to wait a bit depending on when you message me)

Skype: Fedgar_Lurch

(BTW if you haven't got the reference to the title, you were not subjected to terrible weekday dramas in the 90's)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 06:06:00 AM by Fedgar_Lurch »
-- Fedgar