Someone asked this on the server, but as we do not have one, alas, I said no. But! I feel as if adding /random, or something like that, to the /warplist, and having it send you to a random location, or even a random biome that is used with /warplist (i.e it sends you to /desert, or it sends you to /plains) would be useful. Most of the locations around the /warplist warps have either been destroyed, or colonized. If you want to start a town, you need to do a bit of wandering, which isn't a bad idea in itself, but nonetheless. Having a feature such as this, that allows you to be rocketed to random coords would work great for new players, who want their own little area to settle, and maybe make a hobbit hole, or something similar. Hopefully something like this can be implemented, as this may even prove useful to veteran players, such as myself, in creating a town, or building an underground bunker in which we store all of our precious belongings.
One downfall that I do see from this becoming a thing, is that this may provide easier access to peoples houses, or may accidentally teleport people into towns. So a way to prevent this, could be to build hubs at different locations in the wilderness, and allow people to use the command to be teleported to there.