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Author Topic: Ban Appeals  (Read 4328 times)


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Ban Appeals
« on: June 25, 2015, 12:33:42 PM »
- In-game name:
- Date and time of ban? (Include Timezone):
25.06.(i don't know Timezone)
- Which Staff member banned you? (Blank if you do not know)
migas94 or Pauizz
- Why were you banned? (What Appears on your ban message)
using X-Ray on the temporary world , then ban evading
- Were you previously jailed or muted? (If yes, say why)
- Why should you be unbanned?
 I think i should be unbanned because i learnt my lesson and i will never do that again
Additional Information:
 Everything i could possibly get on the temporary world is gone
 I think i did took my punishment beeing baned on the temporary world
 I did the ban evading only because i didn't knowed how yo use the forums and i wanted to clarify some things
 I am a devotated player
 I wouldn't have anyway any reason to steal or do anything wrong because i am having enough resources for a lifetime (that i got my using the youtoube-village pigmen spawner)
 I did used X-Ray on the other server because i eventually didn't knowed it is not allowed...
 when they asked me ,i removed it completely from my computer ....i got banned very little after because i was speaking with someone thought book& quill (it is a minecraft item ,i didn't realized it is not allowed)
 I did absolutely nothing wrong on the main server
 I am truly sorry for what i did ,i will never do this mistake again and .thanks for taking the time to read this message
 P.S I am sure the admins didn't took a wrong choice banning me from the temporary world , but in the main world i hadn't done anything wrong and i am ,finally ,only requesting for a second chance .


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Re: Ban Appeals
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2015, 12:35:39 PM »
- Why should you be unbanned?
 I think i should be unbanned because i learnt my lesson and i will never do that again


I did absolutely nothing wrong on the main server

You say this as you purposedly change IP's to ban evade constantly just a few minutes ago.

Your appeal will be under review and an answer will be given in the next 7 days.
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Re: Ban Appeals
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2015, 12:51:31 PM »
i did changed my IP only because i thought my ban on the perm world  was a server crash or a mistake and i only wanted to ,again ,speak with the stuff for clarification because ,as a sayed, i learnt to use the forums 5 min ago and ,at that time,entering the game was the only known way to speak with the stuff
« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 01:11:56 PM by alex7500 »


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Re: Ban Appeals
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2015, 01:43:58 PM »
Your attitude between temporary server and main world is the same. You continuously broke the rules so we are now aware that you will not change. Application denied.
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Re: Ban Appeals
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2015, 04:03:59 PM »
i am extremely sorry....but is it your duty to keep the server clean.....
You are all doing a very great job with this ..but ,in my opinion..keeping it too clean might result in a lack of players......
As i sayed ,i only entered to speak with the stuff because i didn't knowed how to use the forum....you can check my registration date ..is very soon after you baned me ....from the perm server
The second reason for that i first entered is that i thought the rules from the temporary world..or whatewer we do there...remains there ...(diamonds.exp..and bans ...)
it seems that i was wrong.....I think my case is ended.....but ..in the future ..i would recommend to remember that we all re humans ....and we make mistakes ....you say that i didn't changed ...i say that you are wrong ..i learnt from my mistakes ...you could at least let me enter under close supervisation....(because you always could re-ban me again at any time,if i would have done any mistake)..or to put me pay back part of my mistake and to give away some diamonds ...you will say now that you will not accept moneys and everything ...but i will say that there weren't mean to be for paying ..were meant for learning a lesson (that is not good to make mistakes..)...i only wanted a second chance ! not a third,not a forth,but a second!.....
Exept my X-raying .that i removed it when you told me ....and my "ban evading" ONLY done because i didn't knowed about the forum and i wanted to speak with the stuff (as you can recall from that night) what else things you can prove me that i had done wrong? you can at least tell me.....But ...you are admins .....and i am only a player ...you can read this and answer this .....or you can simply skip it because you simply can...and you can......
....well.......i will read this post again for changes a few more time next days....if you would like to reconsider your decision ..i would be grateful....if not...i would have a very last wish...
Please at least tell killyan8 ,the mayor of the city i live in....that ...i would wish to leave him everything i managed to make ....at least this i can do for his help....so...i would like to "donate "him everything i have (if you still consider your decision permanent),....i will give him @ 150K that i managed to make on this server ....and also please tell him that i am sorry for disappointing him... if you don't mind answering this message ..please reconfirm your decision and ,at least ..telll me if you ,at least, would like to tell killyan8 about my donation

 PS.Thanks for everything you had done for me.....thx killyan8, thx Eagler, .and i even thx you ,migas 94 and pauizz for being such good examples,for answering our questions,for taking care of the chat and of the game ....also special thx for Fedgar-Lurch , the man that made everything possible.....
I AM SURE YOU WILL TAKE THE BEST DECISION FOR THE SERVER....AND GOOD LUCK TAKING CARE OF IT AS ALWAYS!...i will w8 for any answer (even a "No")..in the folowing days...
also .special thx for all those that dedicated the time reading this mesage...if it will be not to be...i would like to wish all of you a happy life and ....everything you want ...but ,as i sayed...
i would wish more to wish you those personally...by then...if there wil be any then...good luck to all ;)


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Re: Ban Appeals
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2015, 04:14:41 PM »
I'm sorry but I must say something; Alex, it is not their duty to keep the server clean. They advise US to keep the server clean, for very good reasons, and it's OUR duty to follow through with the rules.
While I have an extreme foul mouth irl, I never censor or filter my opinion because I'm personally against censorship, if you can't have an appropriate conversation in a positive community without bringing all sorts of negative attention to yourself, it's probably a maturity issue, and not "the staff not doing their duties."

And omg, the way you type...  :-X


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Re: Ban Appeals
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2015, 05:49:05 PM »
Agreed doc im the same, alex the staffs job is to keep the server good and nice, you see servers where people swearing and griefinf etc and i tell you one thing! NO ONE GIVES A STUFF ABOUT HOW MANY PLAYERS play on the server, sentinel is a nice small comunity and the staffs job is to keep it nice and get rid of people like you who break the rules, just putting it there..
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Re: Ban Appeals
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2015, 06:40:36 PM »
thx for the reply...and also thx for beeing honest....ok then....i don't understand why did you told me about " swearing and others" when i didn't ever even close to that....but ok...i hope you will have a great game and everything and...good luck for at least reading....
to be honest ..i am most sorry for all the ...proved to be "Lost" time.... the neded time to get where i got ....it only was the fault of the temp server...but that is it ...i surrender..i have no more words to say than "thanks" and..good luck
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 06:51:39 PM by alex7500 »

Silly Dragoon

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Re: Ban Appeals
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2015, 08:55:47 PM »
If you can't behave on the temp server, there's no reason to trust you'll behave on the main server.
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Re: Ban Appeals
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2015, 04:55:14 AM »
i am extremely sorry....but is it your duty to keep the server clean.....
You are all doing a very great job with this ..but ,in my opinion..keeping it too clean might result in a lack of players......

If you mean a lack of garbage then Duh...