In-Game Name:ZwemmendeBoom
Name to use on Avatar:ZwemmendeBoom,.. or Zweminem in case that doesn't fit. Another nickname would be fine too. You may decide.
Item or Block to use on the Avatar:I don't have anything in particular which I want to add, though sugar canes are nice..
Should I use your current skin?Yes please, I added it as an attachment.
YES or
NO on the
following questions:Do you want to change Background Color?If yes, say the color:
Do you want to add a new Items or blocks to the avatar?If yes, how much and which?
YES and
NO. Again, you may decide for me. I don't mind paying a bit more.
Do you want to add any mobs to the avatar?If yes, how much and which?
Do you want to request a specified action?If yes, explain it:
Additional Information:I also attached my current forum image. If you would add the background and the text to it, then that would be fine too.
I'm looking forward to see what you come up with!