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Author Topic: Moderator application  (Read 1401 times)


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Moderator application
« on: June 20, 2020, 05:48:57 AM »
- What is your in-game name?

=My in-game is saberdonix=

- Current Rank?

=My current rank is Member=

- Where are you from?

=I am from Philippines=

- What is your age?

=I am currently 14=

- How often do you vote?

=Ones in a blue moon i vote in Sentinelcraft because of my internet that is slow it keeps kicking me out of the server=

 When did you join the server?

=I joined the server in July 12 2019=

- What time of the day are you on? (include timezone)

=I am active almost everyday when my wifi is on excellent condition and Saterday and sundays when i dont have classes=

- Are you currently staff on any other servers?

=No I am not=

 Why do you think should you be promoted and how will you be helpful?

=I have been here for a year now and i believe i have enough experience and knowledge from the last few years and i believe i am ready to become a mod to help players and to assist them in there needs and to assist the admins as they make there decision on banning or kicking players who aren't deserving to join the sentinel server because of there non respectful attitude.And further more i will do my best to be a mod to help and serve well and with honor thank you=

- Do you feel like you can be neutral and be loyal to the server rules above all else?

=Yes I believe I can and have the confident to do so=

- Additional Information:

=I will try my very best to serve sentinel and with honor and i know that being a mod is a great position that a player have to evolve to become a new person and with a changed attitude with a good and respectful manners and by obeying the rules and sharing them to others with discipline.As i go in to this journey to become a mod i promise to do the best thing i could that's all thank you=


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Re: Moderator application
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2020, 06:18:29 AM »
Application denied. You don't meet the requirements