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PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« on: August 26, 2015, 08:55:09 PM »
PvP tournament! I need your opinion and  suggestions!

Yesterday I read a old topic made by Benforjol about him organizing a PvP contest on Sentinel Craft. For as far as I?m aware, those ideas weren't executed, even though most people seemed to like it. So today, I asked around a bit and everyone said they were interested, albeit that some would rather watch instead of playing. And thus, that got me thinking about reorganizing it.

Note: the stuff discussed between the lines could change or be removed entirely.


Time and date:
This could be once within 1 month up to 3 months. Going bellow 1 month might be a bit hard considering the organization.
The teams would have 2 to 4 weaks to finish their matches, depending on the above chosen timeframe.

An alternative would be to do it once in every (half) year, with bigger prizes.

Who can play?
We could make teams sponsored by towns or nations.  Those towns / nations would have to have a arena and a gym for their team to train and fight. Also they need enough money for the entry to the tournament. About this,  I'm thinking of a $5000,- maximum, but that could mean that some smaller town aren't able to participate. $1000,- would be the best in my opinion. Or maybe the entry fee could be split up between the host and the team. The teams don't need to consist of members from that town. So, for example, Abil could sponsor a team consisting of members from Novas_kuklos, Mirlaz and a few players who aren't in a town. I expect that this'll bring some interesting competition for who's able to form the strongest team. (and keep it.. ::) )
Of course teams can also be formed without a sponsor, though this team still needs an arena and enough money to pay the entry fee.

How does one rank up on the scoreboard?
The Tournament shall be fought in an Elimination Scheme.

The teams will have to play two matches against each other, one in their own arena and one in their opponent's arena. A match consists of five rounds. For every round won in your own arena, you'll get 1 point and for every round won in another team's arena you'll get 1.5 points.
If both teams have an equal amount of points, then a third match has to be played. This won't be in the arena of both of the teams, but in the arena of a different team. Only one match will be played, consisting of 3 rounds. For every round won the team gets 1 point. Example; teams A and B both have 12 points, then a third match will be played in C's arena. A wins two rounds and B wins one. then A ends with 14 point and B with 13, thus team B is defeated.

This is why there's an entry fee. The top 3 teams could win some prize money. The town or nation which the team reprecents will be able to have a cut of the team its prize if agreed upon before entering.
1st = 60%
2nd  = 30%
3rd = 10%

Also, winning a tournament will grant your team a place in the hall of fame. This will be located in the 'Magnum Colosseum Abili'. (If other people don't mind ofc :-X ) (Will also be posted on the forums) #

These could vary depending on the situation. They could be ranging form 3v3 to 6v6 for example. Maybe it would be cool if  we  could have multiple teams fighting, like 5v5v5, or if 2 teams could play against 2 other teams, like 3+4v2+5. The amount of players doesn't always need to be even, so 6v5 or 3v4 could be an option. The team with less fighter could get a buff.

A team needs to have a 'leader', to which I would rather refer to as a captain. This captain could assign tasks to his / her team members.
For example; player A should make the potions needed for the upcoming matches while player B should repair all the armors and weapons. The captain is also responsible for the team, he / she should make sure that everything regarding equipment and training is dealt with.

1v1 Sub-tournament #
Ladder tournaments are a good way to decide who the best individual PvPer is on the server, and the teams could use this knowledge to their advantage, for example by requiting skilled players. You'll receive 1 point for each killed player.
-Only registered players are allowed to be fought. Non-registered players aren't allowed to attack registered players and vice-versa.
-Players are allowed to fight everywhere in the wilderness. Not in towns, unless permission by a town staff is given. Please respect the town rules!
-Registrations are supposed to be in the correct form and can be posted beneath this topic.
-Kills are to be posted in your registration post. Names of the killed players are needed otherwise your kills don't count!

Registration form;

In-game name;

Killed players;

! If you're registered, keep in mind that you can be attacked at all times. Please keep it reasonable though !
Registrations can't be posted at the moment, since I don't know if it's a good idea to start this before the big tournament!

Gambling #
If more than one person gambles, their net gain should be based on how much the other team gambles. (By "team" I mean what team they are gambling for.  By gambling on a team you are therefore on that team.)  Let's say Person A, B, and C all vote 500  for the Green Team, but Person D votes 500 for the Blue Team and Person E votes 700. So you're given money based on the amount the other team invested.

I know this is a whole lot of math, but in the end, it makes sense.

The net amount that each person invested on Green was 1500.  Therefore,

Person A, who invested 500, invested 33% of the net amount.
Person B, who invested 500, invested 33% of the net amount.
Person C, who invested 500, invested 33% of the net amount.

The net amount for team Blue's bets was 1200.  Therefore,

Person D, who invested 500, invested 42% of the net amount.
Person E, who invested 700, invested 58% of the net amount.

Collectively, 2700 was bet on both the teams.  Each person should be awarded their percentage if their team wins.  This way, if Green Team wins,

Person A, B, and C all get 33% of 2700, which is 900 each.

And if Blue Team wins,

Person D gets 42% of 2700, which is 1134, and Person E gets 58% (more because he gambled more), which is 1566.

-no /sethome command
-no /back command
-wait outside of the ring while the fight is still lasting
-only carry the things allowed for your class (whilst in the arena) before and during the fight
-stripped inventory before getting the means of the fight
-no using of enchants or potions (if not given in your class)
-no using of VIP privileges-/fly,and other commands and privileges with bonuses
-no hacks
-act mature and be reasonable.
You're not only representing yourself, but also a town / nation!
-Respect the committee, your fellow players and the rules.
-the teams have to /hat their  team's / town's / nation's banner during matches. So there won't be any confusion about who plays in what team. teams are only allowed to play under 1 banner. Ninjas are an exception.
- The only items you're allowed to use during a match are the items your class gives you + unarmed. #
- A player isn't allowed to be part of multiple teams. #

Some class ideas
I divided them in offensive, defensive and support. Armors are without helmet. Teams may choose their own set-up before a match. Every roles may only be chosen 2 times per team.

1] Knight; iron armor, iron sword {sharpness 1}, 1x regeneration potion (drinking)
2] Archer; chainmail chest + leather armor, bow {flame 1, punch 2, power 1}, wooden sword {sharpness 1, unbreaking 2}, 1x 32 arrows, 1x potion of swiftness (drinking)
3] Ninja; no armor, diamond sword, 1x invisibility (drinking) + 1x potion of leaping (drinking) + 1x potion of swiftness (drinking) + 2x potion of poison (splash)
4] ..

1] Knight; iron armor, iron sword {sharpness 1}, 1x regeneration potion (drinking)
2] Tank;  diamond chest {projectile protection 2} + iron armor, stone axe {knockback 1, unbreaking 2}, no potion
3] Sentinel; leather chest + iron armor, stone sword {unbreaking 2}, waterbucket, fishing rod {unbreaking 2}, 2x regeneration potion (splash) + 1x slowness potion  (splash)
4] ..

1] Witch; leather armor, wooden sword {knockback 2, unbreaking 2}, 1x slowness potion (splash) + 1x weakness potion (splash) + 5x poison potion 2 (splash)
2] Sentinel; leather chest + iron armor, stone sword {unbreaking 2}, waterbucket, fishing rod, 2x regeneration potion (splash) + 1x slowness potion  (splash)
3] Healer; leather armor, bow {punch 1},  1x 16 arrows, waterbucket, 10x regeneration potion 2 (splash) + 3x potion of strength (splash)
4] ..

Didn't know where to place this one, way to op :
   Migas; blue leather armor, wooden sword stick, 10x cookie, 1x milkbucket

Some arena ideas
Arenas can have oddities or hazards that relate to where they are. MC night battles might be cool too.
1] A pirate ship boarding a trading vessel.
2] An ice arena; with ice along the ground that causes slipping.
3] A desert arena; where sand can suddenly fall down.
4] A castle siege; where one team has to attack a fortified position while the other tries to defend it.
5] An arena in the sky, consisting of a few floating islands connected with bridges. [great for archers]
6] An arena with jumpboost. nuf' said, tho adding speedboost too would make it even better.
7] A 'fighting pit' kinda arena; with spikes and not a lot of place to maneuver.
8] ..
If we want every arena to be unique, then idea number 5 is already claimed for Market.

Some other ideas
1] Team mascotes, logos, banners or maybe even a team song?
2] Advertisements for shops or donations to the tournament could be a source of extra prizemoney.
3] We could have mini-events between matches for special minor buffs during matches.
4] A skype channel for each team / match.
5] ..


Please give some feedback! If you have an idea or suggestion, please post it, so we can make this awesome! Voting will end on September 30th. I would like to start with planning and allowing teams to enter from then on!

Please read all the comments too ;)

sources of inspiration
Benforjol ;  [http://sentinelcraft.net/forum/index.php?topic=1368.0;topicseen]
FatherTimeKeeper ; [http://sentinelcraft.net/forum/index.php?topic=1370.15]
Niliscus ; [http://sentinelcraft.net/forum/index.php?topic=1370.15]

2nd note: The cursive ideas are not mine.
3rd note: Players can only vote once on the poll. Votes can't be changed.
4th note: I made the majority of this (in Word) at like 5:30AM.. and I was rather tired.. . So apologies for copy-pasting a bunch of things.. and any spelling and grammar errors.. .

Edit list
Mayor edits are given a #.
If i add or change something because of a suggestion you'll see a + in my reply.
- Added Bricer123's gambling system.
- Added Fjereirro's 1v1 Ladder system.
- Tweaked the 'Ninja' class.
      - Added 2x poison potion.
      - Removed {fire aspect 1}.
- Tweaked the 'Archer' class.
      - Increased the amount of arrows from 24 to 32.
- Tweaked the 'Healer' class.
      - Increased the amount of arrows from 12 to 16.
- Added 2 rules.
- Added {unbreaking 2} to some equipment.
- Added HvJoeri's 'Hall of Fame'.
- Changed 1 rule.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2015, 10:40:21 PM by ZwemmendeBoom »


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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2015, 10:32:51 PM »
Math is involved.

Zwe, I'm not gonna lie... it's a good idea to bring this amazing possibility back to life again.  It's a great idea to have each town have their own arena, causing advantages and disadvantages, and making a way to get more points by winning a battle.  In fact, I can't recall a good PvP tournament as unique as this one would sound.  Also, it would be great to watch everyone battle with their own styles in other people's stadiums.

Upon reading this, I did come up with a few questions or opinions.

1.  The jump boost stadium.  Although nobody was going to hire me to fight for their town because of my lack of PvP skills, if I would play in this tournament, I would in no doubt want to be the "Ninja" class.  I love being invisible and flanking the other team in other games that I play, and to me, I may just be good at it in this tournament.  However, the jump boost stadium would ruin the Ninja's skills.  Although they still have invisibility, it's no fun when everyone else shares the perks you were meant to have.  I thought the Jump Boost and the Speed Boost were part of the Ninja's maneuverability, but it seems like that gets taken away when everyone else can jump around just as well.  Then all the Ninja has is its invisibility, which is no match for a strike or two from a stone axe (given some people's Axe MCMMO Skill).

2.  Unarmed.  As someone commented on one of the earlier posts, will your fist be a valid weapon?  If somebody prefers to use their unarmed skill or remain completely invisible, should they be able to do so?

3.  The gambling idea.  As I love the idea of gambling on the server (:P), I just want to point out that the gambling idea is very good.  I'll even back you up or help you with it if you want.  One thing though:  if more than one person gambles, their net gain should be based on how much the other team gambles. (By "team" I mean what team they are gambling for.  By gambling on a team you are therefore on that team.)  Let's say Person A, B, and C all vote 500  for the Red Team, but Person D votes 500 for the Blue Team and Person E votes 700. You, Zwe, as the host, would lose or gain money if you give them twice of what they earn.  Instead, give them money based on the amount the other team invested.

I know this is a whole lot of math, but in the end, it makes sense.

The net amount that each person invested on Red was 1500.  Therefore,

Person A, who invested 500, invested 33% of the net amount.
Person B, who invested 500, invested 33% of the net amount.
Person C, who invested 500, invested 33% of the net amount.

The net amount for team Blue's bets was 1200.  Therefore,

Person D, who invested 500, invested 42% of the net amount.
Person E, who invested 700, invested 58% of the net amount.

Collectively, 2700 was bet on both the teams.  Each person should be awarded their percentage if their team wins.  This way, if Red Team wins,

Person A, B, and C all get 33% of 2700, which is 900 each.

And if Blue Team wins,

Person D gets 42% of 2700, which is 1134, and Person E gets 58% (more because he gambled more), which is 1566.

Now, I'm not saying it's completely better to do it this way and your idea sucks.  I just think it'll be funny to watch everyone vote $50,000 on the obvious winning team, but then the one guy that votes a buck on the obvious losing team gets $50,000 because they won somehow.  Also, you, as the host, won't gain or lose any money.  Everything bet on a team is awarded to someone else, and everything is fair.  (Yes, even betting a dollar and winning 50k is fair.)

So anyway, these are just a few suggestions, and I'm sorry for the unreasonably long suggestion that required math.  Because I made you stress yourself through reading all of it, I will volunteer to do all the maths if you still don't know what the heck I'm talking about.  XD  Still, good luck on the tournament, because I think it's a great idea.

P.S. can't make it Times New Roman... :(
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 10:44:56 PM by bricer123 »
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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2015, 09:04:17 AM »
First, I hate Times new Roman.

I love it, I vote for arena idea 5.
My personal tips
I think if gonna ask money for the tournament you'll lose a lot of crowd. Keep it free and make it a weekly event. Put the winners on the forum and make a hall of fame.

Keep it simple

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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2015, 11:39:49 AM »
Thank you for replying!

So.. the jumpboost arena. That indeed isn't really balanced for a few classes on second thought. Maybe changing this to a minigame with everyone having the same equipment would make more sense. Also I hadn't taken mcmmo into consideration. Is it possible that players temporarily disable these?

Everything in your class its description + unarmed is allowed to be used during a match. +

Your gambling system is way better. +

As for the entry fee, removing it is a possibility. Although it's not that high in the first place. I think paying $1000,- only once in a month for a team to join isn't that hard to do, especially not since teams could be sponsored by a town / nation. And voting already gives at least $400,-. After all, if you're strong enough to make it to the end and win, you can make some money. But I'll need more people theirs opinions on this matter before deciding what to do with it.

And Bricer, without others help I probably would't be able to make this happen anyway, so I'm glad that you want to. ;) ..Ohh and you might consider yourself hired already, as Abil could definitely use a sneaky ninja.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 07:28:38 PM by ZwemmendeBoom »


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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2015, 03:52:40 PM »
I'm rather interested in seeing how this will play out. You have some good ideas but I have some tips and criticism:

What is the difference between the offensive knight and defensive knight class? They use the same kits. I think you really really need to make sure the different kits are well balanced and work the way you intend them to. A ninja with fire aspect on his sword could easily destroy all the offensive and support units on the opposing team, since their armor is not very good. I also see you're using kits that use items that have a very low durability (stone weapons, wooden weapons and fishing rods) and I advise you to test these kits out before you implement them in a tournament like this.

Different arena types sound like a cool idea, especially with the themes you suggested. Be aware though that some of the large towns already have arenas and might not fit within this plan. I know for a fact that Ducktopia and Lux both have an arena that represents the ''fighting pit'' idea you told us about in your post. If everybody is going to make their own arena there need to be some requirements for the building, because otherwise some of the classes are not going to be very useful (example; support roles, archers and ninja's will stand no chance against skilled PVPers in a small arena).

Maybe adding a ladder-tournament besides the team tournament is a good idea too. Ladder tournaments are a good way to decide who the best individual PVPer is on the server, and the teams could use this knowledge to their advantage (by requiting skilled players). A tournament like this could work in the wilderness too, and might even make it more fun. If something like this would be happening in the wilderness I would suggest to use some kind of registering form, so player that are not interested in this type of games wouldn't be affected by the ladder tournament. (Point only rewarded for killing ranked/registered players).
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 08:17:47 PM by Fjerreiro »


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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2015, 06:42:50 PM »
Thank you for the feedback!

There is no difference between the offensive and the defensive knight. I've added it under both because I thought that that class can have multiple purposes. (As for the knight, it has decent armor and a decent weapon.)

The low durability weapons could be given an unbreaking enchantment. Also fishing rods aren't supposed to be used as swords..  :-X +

The different classes are meant to work together.
-Defensive classes are meant to protect offensive and support classes.
-Offensive classes should be the big damage dealers.
-Support classes should buff their teammates and debuff the enemy team.
If every class works together that could give some interesting gameplay.
I would like to test the classes, but I'll need someone to help me with this.

As for the rules for the arenas, I'm thinking about some. I would like to see some which are already built.

A ladder-tournament is a great idea! +

Keep the suggestions coming!!  ;D
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 08:45:17 PM by ZwemmendeBoom »


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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2015, 04:42:13 AM »
Do we post the registration stuff as a reply here? If so, here's mine

Registration form;

In-game name;
Killed players;
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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2015, 04:56:29 AM »
Although I'd love to agree with Hv that there should be no entry fee or prize money - or just a very small one, in that case - and just a cool hall of fame or something, he hates on Times New Roman.

First, I hate Times new Roman.

Luckily for you, Hv, I figured out why Times isn't working.  When you use the Center Font thing, for whatever reason, Times just stops working for the whole post.  Which means more basking at the presence of Times for you.   ;D
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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2015, 04:14:26 PM »
i was thinking of a pvp battle thing too but mabey since the ninja is good at all sorts or pvp it could use 1- iron axe 2-iron sword
and 3- fist aka K.O mech .... hey its what i call my fist D:
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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2015, 08:40:34 PM »
Do we post the registration stuff as a reply here? If so, here's mine

Registration form;

In-game name;
Killed players;
Sorry Pr0x, but I don't know if it's a good idea to start with this yet. I hope to receive enough feedback so I can start planning everything after September 30th.

Although I'd love to agree with Hv that there should be no entry fee or prize money - or just a very small one, in that case - and just a cool hall of fame or something, he hates on Times New Roman.
Hall of fame, +, and what would be a reasonable entry fee, if there's any to begin with?

i was thinking of a pvp battle thing too but mabey since the ninja is good at all sorts or pvp it could use 1- iron axe 2-iron sword
and 3- fist aka K.O mech .... hey its what i call my fist D:
Sorry but I don't really understand what you're trying to say; Is the 'ninja' too good?  :-X

Keep it coming people! Also I could use some more class and arena ideas!


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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2015, 05:28:51 PM »
I'm glad to see there is a PVP tournament,I could see myself participating.Anyway there was a suggestion I'd like to add on.Players that like to have a battle on a larger scale.A class/kit called "Faction"
What the kit would contain:
-Full diamond armour,enchanted; protection 4,unbreaking 3.

-Diamond sword,enchanted; sharpness 5, flame aspect 2

- 10 Notch apples

-2 strength II potions,and 2 speed II potions

This would simulate a proper and fair 1v1 battle.

(This is of course for players that have the suplies to participate in this gamemode.)

Regards Jv.


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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2015, 07:55:24 PM »
Ah I hadn't noticed your post Jvmcs.. :-X

I don't know if I understand your suggestion right, but if I do then I'm a bit doubtful about it. You mean that this class is available to be used in the 1v1 PvP sub-tournament? Doing this is would limit the amount of players who can participate. I don't think that that is a good idea. We should keep the PvP tournament and 1v1 sub-tournament as open as possible for anyone to join. But hey, I'm really glad you like it! ;D If you have another idea I would love to hear it!

Also I could use some feedback from people who are interrested in an arena.


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Re: PvP tournament! I need your opinion and suggestions!
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2015, 03:20:59 PM »
I saw you were looking for a death pit. I will adjust my big arena with obstacles. And add some height