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Author Topic: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - RogueFriday  (Read 6223 times)


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Know Your Staff (KYS)! - RogueFriday
« on: December 03, 2016, 07:03:19 PM »
Know Your Staff! - RogueFriday

Welcome to the twenty-first edition of "Know your staff", a series of interviews in order to know better our beloved staff! This time our guest is RogueFriday (a.k.a. Rogue, Peter), moderator of SentinelCraft!

A brief description by a friend of him: Stalwart.

Dani: Welcome Rogue to KYS! The world want to know more about you and the whole staff, let's begin. First question. Why are you on Sentinel?

Rogue: Good question, simple answer is Minecraft, I've been playing for a number of years now. Was looking for a good server, not too busy, and found SentinelCraft. So I stayed.

Dani: What is Sentinel for you?

Rogue: Community. Place to build, a place to play, and a place to get ideas of things to build.

Dani: How would you describe the community?

Rogue: Kind of like a family. There are the noisy ones, the quiet ones and the crazy uncle in the corner. Everyone gets on, not seen any real feuds as yet, which is nice and no real groups within groups that I can see.

Dani: What is your position on this community?

Rogue: I'd say the quiet watchful one. I know I'm not as talkative as others. Too busy building, but if I see someone in need of some assistance, I'm there.

Dani: Is that why you applied for moderator?

Rogue: Partly, I've been on Sentinel for a few years now, and I think I have a lot to offer.

Dani: How would you describe being a moderator?

Rogue: A little like being a parent. To guide, to support, to help and if needed ensure the rules are adhered to. I've been on others servers where the rules are rigidly enforced and mods are heavy handed (needless to say I didn't stay there long). The Mods here are a good bunch, sensible with application of the rules. Fair without being overly officious.

Dani: Now tell us more about you. Do you work? Study?

Rogue: Study? I wish.... I work now. I'm a network systems administrator for an online clothing company. Sounds kinda exciting, but isn't. I support the users in everyday issues as well as administer the Office system, servers, firewalls, etc.

Dani: What is the best and worst part of your job?

Rogue: Same answer, the people. Great to work with ppl, make sure they have what they need to do their jobs.. but equally sometimes you get people who just want to complain...

Dani: When you're not working how do you spend your time?

Rogue:  :P Trick question... Sentinelcraft... Only kidding, when not at work, I'll be at home with the dogs or out running: "parkrun". My other hobby is a little less well known. Airsoft.

Dani: Nice, why do you like Airsoft?

Rogue: It's like COD but less cheaters. Needs more skill. Been playing Airsoft for over 10 years and have a veritable arsenal in my loft.

Dani: Back to the server, who from Sentinelcraft do you think that knows you better?

Rogue: Hmm not sure on that one. My son used to play before he went to University. As I come one as varying times in the week. I see many other players...

Dani: Who from the server you would like to meet in real life?

Rogue: Fedgar :) We work in similar fields and I feel we'd get on great.

Dani: And the last question. Any last message for our readers?

Rogue: Keep playing, keep building. Be ambitious, build big. For those the other side of the pond. Happy Thanksgiving, for everyone else Merry Christmas.. it's coming!!

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave a comment, advices, appreciations, etc. See you soon on the next KYS!

Do you want to know a bit more about the staff? Check the link: http://sentinelcraft.net/forum/index.php?board=136.0 !!!
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Do you want to know a bit more about the staff? Check the link: KYS! !!!


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Re: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - RogueFriday
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2016, 08:35:49 PM »
Excellent job Danny! Really enjoyed reading the newest KYS! ;D
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Re: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - RogueFriday
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2016, 12:04:49 AM »
Such a good interview! Thanks, Dani and Rogue!


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Re: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - RogueFriday
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2016, 01:58:25 AM »
i am the the crazy aunt in the corner hahah

Nice post!


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Re: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - RogueFriday
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2016, 02:20:18 AM »
Another great edition!!! Good to learn about someone i didnt know much about yet


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Re: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - RogueFriday
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2016, 03:02:53 PM »
Great interview, like always. Didn't even know he had a son. :D
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Re: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - RogueFriday
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2016, 12:20:01 AM »
These KYS threads are awesome aha shows a lot and its fun to read ngl just binge read a few xD
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Re: Know Your Staff (KYS)! - RogueFriday
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2016, 10:10:09 AM »
Awesome interview!