:'(Your in-game name:
My in-game name is Clawire
What timezone are you in?
I am in Eastern Standard Time.
What country do you live in?
I live in Cyprus
What languages do you speak?
I Speak French, Greek and english.
Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/no
No i don't.
I Could enable it, but i don't know how ...
Do you have the necessary means of capturing edvidence? (i.e recording software, screenshots, etc)
I use lightshot for the screenshots and I?m stuck with the old Fraps for the recording. I plan to download a new one, though.
Why do you think you should become a Moderator ?
I think I should be Moderator because I?ve been around for a while. I know the rules well and I?d like to enforce them. I like to help the community because it makes me feel great. It makes me feel as if I?ve done my job right as a community member.
I am a very helpful and friendly person. Not only do I help people in game, but I also do a lot of volunteer work in my city. I love to be friendly, but I also won?t hesitate to punish a player who is doing something against the rules.
I am a responsible, kind, and hardworking person. I think I would be a good addition to the staff team. The responsibilities I would hold intrigue me.
I?ve dedicated most of my time on forums helping out.
How long can you be active on the server everyday?
I can play at least 2-3 hours on week days, depending on my work schedule and at least 3-5 hours on the Weekends
Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
I have never been banned.
Do you have any past experience as a moderator/helper?
I?ve been a Moderator/Administrator in few little servers.
Good luck to everyone who applied! Please don?t hate me for my low-quality grammar. English is not my main language and I am still learning it.