Hey guys,
For a while I wasn't on the server forever. Even fed thought that I have left for good. Well I assure you that I haven't and I still try and play on mc as much as I can. I am involved in a lot of thing at my school and barely have any time to play. Just thought I would give you a day to look at. On wensday, I went to school for 8 hours, Went to track practice, went strait from track to my church (working on getting confirmed), got home at 9:30, did homework till 11:30 and went to bed. As you can see I had no time to hop on a computer and just play. I am trying to play as much as I can but as you can read (or I hope your literate)(if your illiterate you wouldn't understand what I just said) but anyways that is all I would like to say and I will continue playing just not as much as I did a while back (5 months ago!!!)
Thanks for understanding, Nuttyyggas