Goth_Dreams treasure hunt!
You saw that right,
Gotham and Faygo treasure hunt(May or may not be a secret warmup for Egg Hunt
). Here's how it works;
Every day we will set up a chest somewhere in
Faygo or Gotham, inside the chest, there will be plenty of goods for you to claim(Since we're all not in one town, and towny permissions, you just have to send a picture of the chest under this forum post of it, and we?ll give you what's in it
). If no one finds the chest within 24 hours, we will send a clue for it
Times:Starts: Feb 7st, 2022 (Sorry for the delay, we need some days to look over things before we start
Ends: When all the chests are found
P.S If you have any questions at all! Message Sweaty(
iComboU#9376) or me(
jjiimm#0740) about it.(Every chest of this treasure hunt will have a gold block under it so you know you found the right chest :> )
Your Hosts, -Jim and Sweaty