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Author Topic: Ban Appeals Format  (Read 11448 times)


  • Just Some Guy
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Ban Appeals Format
« on: August 30, 2013, 05:52:54 AM »
If you feel you've been wrongfully banned  and would like to be reinstated, apply using the form below.
Copy and paste the form into a new topic. The form is between the lines.
Make sure to create a new Topic for your appeal. Do not reply to this message.

- In-game name:

- Date and time of ban? (Include Timezone):

- Which Staff member banned you? (Blank if you do not know)

- Why were you banned? (What Appears on your ban message)

- Were you previously jailed or muted? (If yes, say why)
- Why should you be unbanned?

Additional Information:

Please complete the form to the best of your ability and wait for an response from us.
If your appeal gets accepted, you will be able to return to the server.

Do Not:
 - Spam messages to any staff members about it.

 - Continually bump the post asking for updates.

 - Post multiple times about it.

Your appeal will be dealt with in a timely manner, give it a few days so we can discuss internally.

 -- Fedgar
« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 02:56:13 AM by Migas »
-- Fedgar